-22 Someone out there is tithing their Only Fans money, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

The guy who paid for my childhood church's $10,000 projector ended up banging the pastor's wife so I believe you

by CarpenterAny9120 2 months ago

I think most of us who grew up partying pretty hard early on hung out with at least one of the pastors kids.

by Own-Bat4516 2 months ago

As a former Christian, I can confirm church drama is next level

by Specialist-Tune9804 2 months ago

I hope they take full advantage of those tax incentives.

by Long_Tower2099 2 months ago

Someone out there is spending collected tith money Only Fans

by Shot_Alfalfa9332 2 months ago

Probably pretty common. Tithing pays the church's salaries right? Like that's how priests live right

by Own-Bat4516 2 months ago

If it spends, it spends!

by Leonoraprosacco 2 months ago

Statistically no, there are only about 1800 mega churches in the US, out of 380,000 total Christian churches. This represents less than 1% of all Christian establishments.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

and most of those 380,000 churches serve tiny parishes, while the mega churches... well, it's in the name, isn't it?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

The Catholic Church is the largest private land owner in the world.

by Long_Tower2099 2 months ago

Doesnt the mormon church have one of the largest wealth accumulations in the world? Its something like high 100's of billions.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I think I know of several entities that have billions on their balance sheets. Have you ever heard of Cede & Co.? They have trillions and basically own America. When you really get down to it how can anyone own anything if they can't carry most of their possessions with them and how even their bodies go though changes as cells are replaced at least once every 7 years?

by Long_Tower2099 2 months ago

The Catholic Church has problems with protecting child abusers, but financially they're actually pretty solid. Bureaucracy prevents most of the shutty/personal spending you see from nondenominational churches. As far as landowning goes, it's like if you attached a community center and massive parking lot to every mcdonalds in the world. It's not that crazy that they have the most land, it's just a very organized entity that claims it all.

by Keararoberts 2 months ago

What would anyone else do if they had more money than God? I can't say I blame the entity because if I did I'd suffer eternal hell fire that burns but never consumes.

by Long_Tower2099 2 months ago

My point is that the overwhelming majority of churches do not do this.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

So then the underwhelming majority dont /s

by Anonymous 2 months ago

You say that as if you've audited all of them

by Independent_Bid 2 months ago

So you've audited them all?

by elockman 2 months ago

Nope. But I don't hold people who want you to pay your way into heaven in high regard

by Independent_Bid 2 months ago

Don't think most churches make any claim of tithing to have any benefits like that. The tithe is meant to simply be how the church keeps going. It is funds to continue their operations, pure and simple.

by StructureSharp2924 2 months ago

Tithing won't get you into heaven. It's purpose is to help keep the church in operation for the benefit of future generations. Most denominations don't include any obligation to tithe.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Then you don't have a factual point.

by greenholtvivian 2 months ago

Let's start taxing them and find out.

by Silly-Friendship 2 months ago

I'd rather enforce separation thx

by Anonymous 2 months ago

It isn't just the mega churches.

by jessietorphy 2 months ago

Irrelevant. You don't need to have a.megachurch to pay the pastor way more than they need. Half of them are salesmen for a reason

by Keararoberts 2 months ago

You haven't met a lot of Lutheran pastors, have you?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

A very different bunch.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

This reads like a text clip from "right now" by Bon Jovi

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Thank God for that! Amen!

by Anonymous 2 months ago

that's all the church really cares about, after all.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Can someone explain tithing to someone unfamiliar with religious culture?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Tithing is giving God (the church) 10% of the money you earn.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Ah. Ok thanks

by Anonymous 2 months ago

And a whole lot more drinking Chablis and sniffing coke on a yacht.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I want to say no way but you're probably right.

by Alarmed-Leopard-4905 2 months ago

Hopefully they all are!

by Anonymous 2 months ago