+34 2008-2015 aren't as dumb as the internet, and society, says they are. amirite?

by CombinationStill 2 months ago

This title tho..🤨

by Rocio13 2 months ago

What about it?

by CombinationStill 2 months ago

The title was dumb lol

by Ok-Matter 2 months ago

Seeing how you can't formulate your opinion cohesively and this comes off as a huge unhinged rant or you seeking validation/a place to vent. Maybe pump the brakes a little bit. I don't think anybody is dumb or stupid until they open their mouth and prove that they are. But I've been called optimistically naive before.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Nah, some of y'all are definitely dumb. But luckily, that's not unique to Gen-Z. Every generation has their idiots.

by henriette02 2 months ago

Idk how old you are, but if pre algebra is a flex, you're too young to be on the internet.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Never said it was I said I know it. Which in my grade it is a flex though so 🤷‍♀️

by CombinationStill 2 months ago

We're in middle school. Most won't even start pre algebra till high school your in advanced math like me

by CombinationStill 2 months ago

I guess it depends on where you live and what your district considers to be high school. I'm my hometown, algebra was 9th grade math for normal kids, which was high school for us. The good kids learned it in 7th or 8th grade though. Props for being a cut above the rest. Definitely stay focused on cultivating your talents. Refining yourself is a lifelong journey that for some reason happens a lot in school, but it has nothing to do with school.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Yeah that's what it's like where I live with algebra

by CombinationStill 2 months ago

Bruh, you should already know algebra before high school, lmao. Also *you're

by edgar75 2 months ago

That's just how my count's math programs go

by CombinationStill 2 months ago

So that's why teachers only give bits a one day detention when they threaten to use my breasts as weapon practice, because they don't knowhow to not do that I guess

by CombinationStill 2 months ago

Jean go do your Math homework

by Altenwerthebony 2 months ago

My Math teacher hasn't given us homework in months

by CombinationStill 2 months ago

"We're scared of what will happen after the next election to our friends, family, and fellow citizens." Please expound on this. What does this mean to you?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Oh, you sweet summer child

by Anonymous 2 months ago

What does that mean?

by CombinationStill 2 months ago

Are you saying I'm 14 or you're 14. Because if you think I'm fourteen, you're close! But wrong

by CombinationStill 2 months ago