-26 When you wear a sock inside out, the entire universe is wearing the sock, amirite?

by Hpacocha 2 months ago

first one to make me laugh out loud in a long time. literal lol

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Yeah, I needed this one today.

by Rileykozey 2 months ago

Like, it's wrong, but I love it.

by Fabian97 2 months ago

The entire universe....EXCEPT for your foot.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Except for everyone's foot, really. Nor any other part of anyone. In fact, dare I say, when you think about it... it's kinda as if nobody's actually wearing your sock any more so than they are any empty sock in any sock drawer.

by Mohreldon 2 months ago

The way I pictured what you said is that every other foot that's wearing a sock is in its own pocket dimension separated from the "universe's sock." And if more than one person has an inverse sock on, the universe is wearing more than just one sock too(?!)

by Anonymous 2 months ago

When you wear mismatched socks, you have a pair just like them at home.

by DogBeginning9587 2 months ago

Ohhhh….this is good.

by Emilybergnaum 2 months ago

But.. I throw a sock away if it gets damaged beyond repair.. so, unfortunately, sometimes there's no other pair

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Little tid bit of information about me you didn't want, need or ask for: I never wear matching socks. My socks drawer is just a drawer of singles.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Life's too short for matching socks

by DogBeginning9587 2 months ago

lost to the washing machine monster

by Herminio91 2 months ago

What a way to get trench foot without ever having to step into a trench.

by Emilybergnaum 2 months ago

Thanks for clarifying the location before I had to ask. I was going to guess either Alabama, or the Alabama equivalent in Russia. Was this normal school, or like a tech school for people who pump septic tanks?

by Emilybergnaum 2 months ago

You won't believe what I'm going to answer: ready? Medical school campus. However, the sock guy was in a pre med program where they reserve a spot for you after you graduate. Case beer guy was a disbarred attorney from Florida. He took some plea where he went to school versus prison. I felt bad for him but you know how smelling vomit makes you want to vomit? He was like that. My socks get wet in the creek and an hour later im debating whether or not to throw them away….like that

by rudolph47 2 months ago

Call me dumb, but I think I need the milk thing explained to me.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Milk coats your stomach so you don't get drunk as fast.

by rudolph47 2 months ago

Let us out from ur sock, you monster!

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Thus causing that day to be a little warmer than usual. Ain't no weather forecast gonna predict that

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Takes "knocks your socks off" to a universal level threat.

by schulistwalter 2 months ago


by Hpacocha 2 months ago

How very Wonko the Sane

by Gutmannharmony 2 months ago

wonko the sane's socks

by Hellen59 2 months ago

With an inside out sock, is the universe wearing you like a shoe?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Ahh that's the kind of thinking'

by Adventurous-Row-6901 2 months ago

Am I never wearing socks then? I always wear mine inside out because I don't like the seems

by Anonymous 2 months ago

...You've been wearing his feet?

by Mohreldon 2 months ago

This is one of the best ones yet

by Financial-Pair3108 2 months ago

My foot is not part of the universe?

by Jolly_Development827 2 months ago

I'm too high for this this one🥴

by Super_Wrongdoer_7988 2 months ago

The universe wears the sock, and the sock wears you

by Anonymous 2 months ago

It's sockception

by Anonymous 2 months ago

That's not how wearing something works.....

by ExaminationAlone 2 months ago

Time to go to sleep OP

by Live-Muffin 2 months ago

Everything that has ever existed or ever will exist, either is or is not a potato.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

What if we're inside a bigger sock?

by Alternative_Set_1650 2 months ago

How high are you and do you need help?

by Patricia55 2 months ago

I feel like this phrase somehow contains the secret key to world peace.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Reminds me of making an "Earth Sandwich," which someone in the US can do together with someone in Australia, with 2 pieces of bread…

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Build an inside out house, and call it an insane asylum.

by Infinite-Somewhere70 2 months ago

Conversely, when you wear a sock correctly the entire universe is outside of your sock

by InsectStriking6085 2 months ago

Or is the entire universe inside of the sock? 🤔

by Anonymous 2 months ago

The entire universe, except you

by Anonymous 2 months ago

This is wildly inaccurate but I love it regardless

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I spent 3 hours at Costco with my shirt on inside out. <shrug>

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Oh yeah? What happens when you put the left sock on your right foot Mr. man? Don't pretend they don't exist.

by Anonymous 2 months ago