+32 I literally do not care what you're going through, you can be kind. amirite?

by hermaneichmann 2 months ago

You don't even have to be kind. Just don't be an asshole.

by jabari30 2 months ago

If it's rough, you can fart but don't spread your cheeks.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

This is literally what Butler says, a philosopher, I've been reading about for my college philosophy class. Literally just be a decent human being and not be an asshole. It's not hard.

by Asa33 2 months ago


by casper09 2 months ago


by jabari30 2 months ago

Amen, taking accountability is a goddamn super power at this point.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

And if you act like an ass, apologize and make it right. Easy peasy

by Impossible_Dot4381 2 months ago

I believe most people who have bad customer service experiences were being rude first and just left that part out.

by Larry02 2 months ago

Exactly. Workers arent looking for fights. Just trying to get thru their day with as little hassles as possible.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I know this for a fact. Every CS job I've ever had, whenever there's a complaint made about me (luckily rare), they always start their story in the middle or leave out the parts that show how they were at fault. For example, I recently had a woman report me to corporate for being racist because, in her words, I refused to take her ID and that she couldn't pick up her medication. She didn't mention that her ID was not a US photo ID, which I explained to her twice, or that I took her friend's ID instead and that she did get her meds. She deliberately left out several important points to make it look like I was discriminating against her because she's not from the US, because those points showed that I had a reason for denying her ID but that I offered a solution so that she COULD get her meds that day. People just flat-out lie to try to get someone in trouble, even when the person solved their issue and got them what they wanted.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Probably more often than not, but rude people have front facing roles too.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

As a barista I can confirm that's not true, sometimes I'm miserable and fed up and no one is getting good service unless they're a regular.

by Maureen89 2 months ago

as a fellow customer facing service worker, don't you fear the "this is unacceptable, where's your manager" or the one star google review that spells the end of your job? i don't mean this in a sassy way at all, i genuinely just have a ton of fear that annoying the wrong customer is the first step on the train to me getting evicted in six weeks when i'm fired on the spot

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Jobs are just as replaceable as employees, if a customer complaint is all it takes to get me fired im out and ill be somewhere else ina week

by Elliewisoky 2 months ago

idk, i've worked my way up in this restaurant to a really good schedule full of the best shifts, i have good regulars and know everyone, but i also know my managers live and die by google reviews, and all it would take is one angry rich lady with a phone and a grudge to blow the whole thing up for me

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People know that they're replaceable.

by DrinkSensitive7650 2 months ago

Sometimes, but not always.

by DrinkSensitive7650 2 months ago

Nailed it

by Anonymous 2 months ago

this server only allows popular opinions, and if they delete any unpopular opinions unless its food or movies

by Anonymous 2 months ago

From the title I was expecting this to be about shaming people for not having Stockholm syndrome. No, I'm not obligated to be kind to you when you are holding me captive and stealing from me.

by misael45 2 months ago

But don't apologize expecting forgiveness and then get mad when the person you offended doesn't accept your apology.

by Arvelkautzer 2 months ago

I can deal with somebody snapping at me, if they apologize afterwards. I get that people sometimes are not in full control of their behavior. That happens. However, once they are back in control, they have to own up to what they did. If they don't, I'm not interested in any further contact. - If they are damaged in a way, that they can never be fully in control and can't control their bad behavior, I think it is perfectly okay for everyone else to exclude them to the degree necessary for their own self protection.

by ImaginaryWeekend494 2 months ago

Sure, but how do you tell with the latter whether someone can't control their behavior is just being a jerk? I mean, look at those memes of the public freakouts. People treat them like they were being a Karen or something when some of them were having a psychotic break. Yes, I have apologized in the past for what I've done while out of that control, but to others I would've looked like a jerk.

by DrinkSensitive7650 2 months ago

Since I can't look into anyone's head, I usually take people‘s word for it. If they apologize after snapping at me, I give them the benefit of doubt that they didn't just do this to be jerks. If they don't apologize, I assume they meant it. Now, if it happens all the time (first snapping then apologizing) I'd put them into the second category and cut contact, because I need to protect myself. People, who experience regularly psychotic breaks, need professional help and medication. I'd be happy to see more of my tax money going to the cause. But, I'm no more willing to expose myself to it as I would be willing to expose myself to a jerk, who willfully hurts others.

by ImaginaryWeekend494 2 months ago

That's fair, the latter is much more healthier in the long term anyway.

by DrinkSensitive7650 2 months ago

exactly my point you have anxiety? dont care. apologize like an adult

by hermaneichmann 2 months ago

I feel like empathy is a part of being kind

by Anonymous 2 months ago

where's the empathy for the people being treated like trash? who get no apology? and the people who are just expected to take it all day long, every day because "that's just life"?

by hermaneichmann 2 months ago

They weren't arguing with you

by considinevivian 2 months ago

Saying "I literally do not care what you're going through, you can be kind" isn't very kind, is it? Ofc being mean is unacceptable, but that isn't the same thing as not being "kind". You can't expect someone to be kind to you when you aren't kind to them, it's a two way street. Sometimes kindness is not expecting someone, who's going through a lot, to have perfect manners.

by AlpsAnnual9951 2 months ago

Must? No. That's a lie, or it would always occur. Should? I agree.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

"It's ok to be angry, it's not ok to be hurtful" - Henry Oak

by OptimalAwareness 2 months ago

The world would be a much better place is everyone realized the world doesn't revolve around them or how they feel at a particular moment

by Anonymous 2 months ago

"I literally don't care about you, I just care about my feelings"

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I literally do not care what you're going through Said unironically while promoting kindness.

by jamison86 2 months ago

Real and true

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I definitely agree with this. What you're going through can explain your actions and give some rationale, but you're still responsible for yourself regardless. Just because you're going through something does not give you the right to take it out on strangers. Like how far does that go!? Ted Bundy committed his first murder because he was angry about a woman breaking up with him.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

This is a really odd thing to say. Working with people in crisis situations is super hard and emotionally draining. - I'd take a construction job over it every day.

by ImaginaryWeekend494 2 months ago

I lost my dad to cancer this year, my mother was as unsupportive as possible and you could honestly say she was happy about it, my girlfriend cheated and left me, I've pretty much done nothing but isolate in my room and smoke when I'm not working, but I still manage to say please and thank you to my customer service people.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Being kind is also being understanding that people aren't always at their best. Some day it may be you.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

No one can control what anyone else does, so the trick is not allowing it to ruin your day.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I sure don't, our company allows us to disconnect any calls when people start acting out. If they want their claim resolved, they'll speak like an adult.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I've always had this question; okay, what's the limit between snapping by accident or knowing beforehand a person won't do anything as "you're angry and can use them as your outlet." The line is blurry for me, but I've perceived that, when people is having a bad day, they target someone in specific and snap at them more than once and it doesn't happen to be an accident anymore. I understand that an accidental snap happens randomly and when people are at their limit, but some people really target others and will use them as their outlet.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Agreed. It costs nothing to be Kind.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

And it's so much easier to be kind than mean! It takes more energy to snap or be rude than it does to just be neutral or smile. It's not even about being kind, it's about not being a jerk. Lashing out over a minor issue makes you look worse anyway.

by Anonymous 2 months ago


by Anonymous 2 months ago

Agreed. People can always have common courtesy regardless of their circumstance

by Own_Builder_6463 2 months ago

Anxiety isn't an excuse for being an ass, but this take is wildly simplistic.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Kindness and manners aren't the same thing.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

true, but they run in the same circles. my main point is that no one gets a free pass from consequences just because they're having it rough.

by hermaneichmann 2 months ago

You don't have to be kind, just don't be an asshole.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Thank you for voicing this

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Honestly I'm glad this opinion was out in the world— like even if someone is going through hell or has anxiety or something like that there's no excuse to be rude to people. I have clinically diagnosed GAD and social anxiety disorder; I put my best effort to not be a jerk, even to the people who can really drive me up a wall. Anxiety's not an excuse to be a jerk. Just be kind people. Or do the bare minimum and not be a jerk. The world would be a far better place.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Agree agree agree. I can't agree anymore with this. Too many people in this work use their hardships as a reason to be a prick

by melissawest 2 months ago

I am not excusing any bad behavior - as I mostly agree. But working with the public for as long as I have - you truly have no idea what someone has/is going thru. I could go on & on of times patients shocked me telling me their life stories. I'm not talking about how they're just stressed about bills etc - I mean lived experiences that would turn a sane person mentally unstable. This world is truly effed up. When someone is outright rude to me I try to reframe it in my own mind - "I genuinely hope I never go thru something so horrible it turns me into that kind of person" - as of right now I can't see myself behaving at my worse, as I have witnessed many others doing - but damn..I sure don't want to be tested by life.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I've tried to make it my mission in life to be nice to people no matter what's going on in my life. The last few years have been rough but I still try to smile if someone smiles at me. I'm always polite and if someone wants to chat or needs a hand at work I try to be as nice as I can to maybe make their day a little better. No reason to spread the unhappiness around. I've also found that getting out of my head for even a few seconds to acknowledge someone else helps my mood a little bit.

by rudolph94 2 months ago

True, as someone who becomes snappy under pressure, I would advice to take a time-out, and not interact with people, until you feel like you have calmed down.

by Leather-Pop 2 months ago

You must apologize. Must? A little entitled don't you think. If you literally don't care, then why do they have to?

by Adelle83 2 months ago

Cause being an asshole to random people is bad?

by zoila44 2 months ago

That entitles you to an apology? Jeeze.

by Adelle83 2 months ago


by zoila44 2 months ago

Personally, I don't apologise usually. I make a promise to myself to never make it happen again and I never do it again. Because to me, actions speak louder than words ever will

by WorldlinessJumpy 2 months ago

I just feel shameful to use words when I've not proven it by my actions. I've, in the past, apologized to people after a year, when I've changed and become a better person. It's just, words seem shallow to me as a standalone. You're right though, I should change this too. Apologise then work towards not making the mistake again but shamefulness for the reason mentioned prohibits me from do it. Like, I'm the kind of person who really thinks over the mistakes I've made. I still review mistakes I made years ago. It's on my mind most of the times. And most of these times, the other person didn't even tell me if I was wrong or asked for an apology. I just felt guilty enough after reviewing it, to apologise to them after changing myself.

by WorldlinessJumpy 2 months ago

How do you figure?

by Adelle83 2 months ago

Cause being an asshole to random people is bad? Am I missing something, or are you saying it's ok to treat people like trash?

by zoila44 2 months ago

I'm saying why does OP feel entitled to someone being super nice to them regardless of how their day is going?

by Adelle83 2 months ago

"Super nice" is exaggerating a bit, no? It's just a simple thank you, and not yelling into their face

by zoila44 2 months ago

Why does OP or anyone feel entitled to that?

by Adelle83 2 months ago

Man you must be a real treat to have around. My life would really benefit from having you as a friend. /s

by Lambertmorar 2 months ago

I can't do this anymore

by zoila44 2 months ago

Worst attempt of trolling I've seen this week

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Who says I am?

by Adelle83 2 months ago

Well, you're the type of person to argue against being nice to people, and you think someone wanting a deserved apology is "entitlement," so...

by Anonymous 2 months ago

You are entitled to act however you want though. What are you going to do?

by Adelle83 2 months ago

Why am I thanking someone for doing their paid for job? It's like people who thank the bus/train driver, I cringe every time

by HumbleMud 2 months ago

I think I'm going to pass. I'll be kind when I feel like it. Have fun with that though.

by Klutzy_Noise 2 months ago

Did I imply that? Improving your behaviour will be the least of your worries when you're trying your hardest just to survive. Sheesh, people these days

by WorldlinessJumpy 2 months ago

Some of us are just trying to make it through the day.

by DrinkSensitive7650 2 months ago

"I literally do not care what you're going through, be nice to me" 🤣🤣 No.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Lol why should I care what you are going though lol.

by Lambertmorar 2 months ago

What an absolutely unkind thing to say…

by Hour-Mine 2 months ago

Is this really an unpopular opinion?

by InitiativeSmall2020 2 months ago