-34 It won't be long before people use 'the '20s, the '30s, and the '40s' to describe the 2020s, the 2030s, and the 2040s, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Roaring 20's = Covid☠️

by Asleep-Art-3391 2 months ago

Coughing 20s

by Anonymous 2 months ago

The choking 20s.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

If the covid doesn't get you, the wildfire smoke will 🫶🏼

by Anonymous 2 months ago

That's how I would describe my cough

by Anonymous 2 months ago

The tweaking twenties. Seems like every other person at least has some sort of anxiety or depression through and especially after Covid when we had to start socializing again.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Man, it's gonna be super weird in like 50 years when we're in the "70s" and it's 2070 and I'll be all like "back in MY day…" and I'm thinking about the turn of the century and Y2K and how in my mind WW2 wasn't even that long ago 😂

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Man that WW2 line hit hard. Thats gonna become old old history to those people growing up in the 70s

by Anonymous 2 months ago

If you think about it, old folks in the 1970s probably had the same attitude about the civil war…which is wild

by Anonymous 2 months ago

What's actually wild is that the civil war and ww2 are closer together than ww2 and now.

by Rglover 2 months ago

Pretty sure the last slave died in 70s..

by Alizamonahan 2 months ago

Kimd of like napoleon to ww1

by Anonymous 2 months ago

i'm still a bit disappointed that calling the early 2000s "the Ought's" never caught on.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I liked the "Naughties" even more. Never really caught on.

by natalieshanahan 2 months ago

I hear that on the radio often enough

by Electrical-Cow 2 months ago

"Noughties" because nought means zero.

by benjaminyundt 2 months ago

It's a pun.

by natalieshanahan 2 months ago

I use "aughts" sometimes!

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Next thing there going to call it gyatt

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Don't worry. I'm still working hard to make it catchy.

by christineblick 2 months ago

My sister graduated in 2000 and I'd tease her that she was the class of double nothing.

by schultzjaquan 2 months ago

My brother graduated in 2007 and we called him James Bond for a while.

by Fit-Personality 2 months ago

because its an anglosphere joke, it cant be translated

by Anonymous 2 months ago

What's the joke?

by Complete-Buddy-2947 2 months ago

The joke is that ought / aught / naught with -ies added sounds kind of like nineties. "Welcome to the naughties!" "The naughties? But I'm not naughty!" "No! We're in the naughties decade now!" "What? But we've just left the nineties!" "Nooo, it's the NAUGHTies! Naught is 0 so we're in the 00s!" "Oh. Okay..." Anyways, I assume there's not a great translation for naught in other languages, so it loses the naughties bit and likely just becomes whatever their form of "the zeroes" is. And that sounds silly, too, so the two-thousands caught on instead.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I've actually started calling them that because "the two thousands" is a bit of a mouthful.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Wtf does the "ought's" mean?

by melisahirthe 2 months ago

The years xx00 to xx09.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

As in, what's the reference?

by melisahirthe 2 months ago

Aught is really just a spin off from naught, which can mean zero or nothing. To be honest, the only time I ever hear anyone use the word "aught" as 0 is to describe bullet caliber and wire sizing.

by maeganbogisich 2 months ago

Because "double Os" just sounds so much more James Bondy

by Geo43 2 months ago

It should have. It really should.

by Pollichshirley 2 months ago

The best is 2000, when I mean the year 2000 - the person is expecing a number after that. Then I get "Oh you mean 2000 2000"

by BreadfruitThink 2 months ago

Don't remind me how old we've become.

by FirmCar 2 months ago

I heard someone say "The 1900s" and it dawned on me that I was born in a different century than now. We're gonna be the last generations of the 1900's. "Back in the 1900s we used to hear the Internet!"

by Anonymous 2 months ago

It's not just different century it's different millennium

by Dependent_Estate_184 2 months ago

You where born in a different millenium!

by Upbeat_Worth 2 months ago

"Ohh… those were the days"

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Hearing the nineties referred to as the late twentieth century is hurtful 😄

by koelpindevon 2 months ago

I hear "the 1900s" way too much referring to the 80s and 90s.

by Technical-Leg 2 months ago

We're in the roaring 20's, so many similarities it's scary

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I use these routinely because I'm always reporting on the march of queer rights worldwide. Although I would have preferred a world where more rapid progress gave us the Gay '90s

by Wizaroberto 2 months ago

People are already saying the 10s

by Anonymous 2 months ago

The depressy 20s

by fernkoepp 2 months ago

The financial festering

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I saw "rotting 20s" in a similar discussion elsewhere ☠️

by ernserdon 2 months ago

The neural 20s.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

The painful 20s

by marcelo78 2 months ago

Already happens with the ‘10s

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I think it's time. You are right on op.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

It's weird I've heard someone refer to 2009-2011 as early 2000s when that rlly only applies to like 2000-2004

by Princemann 2 months ago

The 80's will be back 🤟🏼 and our tech now will be horse and buggy to them.. oof let that sink in.

by haleystamm 2 months ago

I wonder if/when it will happen. We called it "the 90s" during the 90s. But we don't say the 20s now and we are pretty far in. The habit might be broken? 🤔

by sydnieschmeler 2 months ago

In the 2090s, we will be seen as just as primitive as the 1920s seemed in the 1990s.

by morarvena 2 months ago

You're right. Like, 3 years ago, not too long.

by No-Earth 2 months ago

It's already happening! I said something about the roaring 20s and I got a blank stare

by Pollichshirley 2 months ago

Well… yeah.. that's how years work.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I don't know, saying 2020, 2030 has this rhythm to it that 1920 and 1930 doesn't.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

No… 2030 doesn't sound any better than nineteen thirty

by Old_Telephone_8956 2 months ago

two thousand and twenty / a thousand ninehundred and twenty yea you are right

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Hes saying that "Twenty twenty" rolls off the tongue better "Nineteen twenty". So we can leave the "20s" or "Twenties" to the 1920s and refer to the 2020s decade as "Twenty twenties".

by Intelligent_Ease_847 2 months ago

There will be a time when being born in the '70s '80s '90s will be associated with being 70, 80, or 90.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

No there won't - I feel like you didn't think this through. When people born in the 70s are 70, people born in the 90s will be 50.

by Katarinapowlows 2 months ago

I mean it's not that long but it's not that soon I don't think. that'll happen after 2100 I'd assume. I'll probably have lived my whole life and be dead by then lol

by Thin_Air4809 2 months ago

We were calling the every decade in the 1900s "the 20s" or "the 60s" or whatever long before 2000. I'd assume this century will be similar.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

It will be like 15 years. We already say the 2000s. The 10s doesn't roll off the tongue the same way though. But 20s and up works well. By mid 2030s we will start saying "back in the 20s I did ______"

by Anonymous 2 months ago

They already call the 90s and earlier the 1900s.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

It's awful 😄

by koelpindevon 2 months ago

Not after 2100. In our conversation we already use 00s. As soon as 20s would gain their own traits, 10s would be used.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I don't use 00s and have never heard anyone do so either. I normally hear early 2000s

by Thin_Air4809 2 months ago

Since we are in the 20's can wee please use the word moxy to describe people's deminor again? Somany out there have it and don't even know it.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

You might want to get a full grasp on English before we start getting all fancy with it.

by CandidateSad8341 2 months ago

It'll probably be in the next century.... that's a long ways away

by Confident-Cherry1680 2 months ago