+45 Google uses you a lot more than you use Google, amirite?

by DesperateHousing 2 months ago

If you're not paying for the product, you are the product.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I HIGHLY recommend this Website for this

by Beiertressie 2 months ago

May be, but i use google a lot too.

by dorrishamill 2 months ago

Google listens to you probably more than anyone else does as well 😂

by Anonymous 2 months ago

They are listening right now... Argh!

by AdmirableSession6900 2 months ago

Try using bing instead of google and see how you like it

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Bing isn't that bad in 2024

by daughertynat 2 months ago

How do they use us? Eavesdropping?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I use android. So I use Google product more than the data it collected

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I'm glad you liked it

by DesperateHousing 2 months ago

Not me! I use Google Cloud for my work

by Anonymous 2 months ago

The point is Google uses many, many trackers regardless of how much you physically use it

by Budget_Pair 2 months ago