-44 Americans that think Israeli's should give their homes back to Palestinians should also give their homes back to the Native Americans that may have lived their before them. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Are we returning the property to the person who it was taken from? Or even their immediate descendant? If so, then sure let's return it. Russia should not be able to steal Ukrainian land, nor should Israelis steal Palestinians land. We are punishing the perpetrator and making the victim whole. But how do you reach back 300 years when talking about my house? I didn't take it. The person who lost it, and all their immediate family, are long dead. In that case returning it only hurts me, but I wasn't the perpetrator and it helps a random person, who wasn't the victim.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I am not for or against either because I don't know enough about American history. Outside of a quick Google search I just did, Royal Hawaii was between 1810 and 1890s. Would you think unified royal rule to return to would be better, or each island ruled by its own tribe?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Thats part of the issue. The collective "we" does pick and choose what they want to do and it isn't consistent. The bad things shouldn't be forgotten because they can be learned upon. But IMO we have to move on rather than always looking to the past. Instead of looking to just chuck money and property at people who descended from those affected by historical wrongs, society should create equity in educational and career opportunities. And depending where you live and what has happened in your nations past, reflects which group could "level up".

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I like your response. Very well said.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Haha... people these days forget that you can have conversations without being right or wrong.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

That is also true. It also breeds "what-about-me-too-ism". Using your example of native Americans, I don't know too much about American history but I am aware that many cultures and tribes were at war before western settling. Which tribe or descendants should be compensated? Which tribes already died out before westerners came? Etc

by Anonymous 2 months ago

We did them one better, we gave them casinos.

by laila56 2 months ago