+25 Don't get job in the field you enjoy working, amirite?

by Old_Feature 3 weeks ago

On the contrary working in a field u don't like, u can enjoy the journey. nope, hard disagree. I yearn to go back to the Casino industry and get out of the construction field. Never was a dull moment in my last career field. will most likely be returning later this year.

by ethagleason 3 weeks ago

I am a software dev of 20+ years. Couldn't agree less. I love it now just as much as I did 20 years ago. Probably more actually cause I understand what I'm doing much more than I did then.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Same industry, same opinion. If anything, DO work in the industry you love. If you make your hobby your job, you never have to work again.

by Douglasthomas 3 weeks ago

I will be starting universitat this year and although I like data science I am afraid that if I get a job in this field, do data science work every day, all day long I will get fed up with it. Also I have heard that programmers in general experience frequent burn outs. In my POV that's their way of getting a break from programming after getting fed up with it.

by Old_Feature 3 weeks ago

I work in an industry that I enjoy just enough so it can afford me a lifestyle I'm happy with. It's a balance of liking what I do and enjoying being away from it when not working. Also healthy work life and away from work life boundaries helps. Being able to say no to your employer is key. It's called work to live. Not live to work 🙃.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I think working in a field you don't like sucks the joy out of it too lol

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Worst life advice ever. Youre prob a kid

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago