+32 The original Beetle Juice does not hold up as well as people think, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Meh, I still love it. It's fun. It's not supposed to be super serious

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yeah I know it's an unpopular opinion. To me it's so bad it took away from the fun parts. The groping is very gross and has not aged well

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yea, fair points

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Movie of its time, as all of them are. Some movies age very well, others not so much. Comedy types tend to age the worst because they rely the most heavily on whats going on during the time period it was made. The special effects of Beetlejuice hold up extraordinarily well for the most part, one of the big advantages to using practical effects whenever possible.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

You're not supposed to like Beetlejuice as a character. He's a gross creep - that's his whole thing. He's so gross and creepy that he drives people away, which is what makes him work as a "reverse exorcist."

by No-Elk 3 weeks ago

He's the ghost with the most, babe.

by GarbageAgreeable5555 3 weeks ago

Did you keep in refrigerated? Like any juice, it can ferment and go bad when it gets old.

by Hefty-Wrangler-3415 3 weeks ago

The Broadway verison is fifty times better

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I mean everything's better with a hand job

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago