+21 Surprisingly, the mortality rate if you are struck by lightning is only 10%, amirite?

by Additional-Fun6205 3 weeks ago

Sounds like a good time

by Dsmitham 3 weeks ago

Whats the superhero rate? Time for a calculated risk.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

About 0

by Kind_Plant_8293 3 weeks ago

So you are saying there is a chance.

by mariano77 3 weeks ago

Absolutely. It's 0.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

So you're saying not quite 0?

by Lower_Visual_9273 3 weeks ago

Your body, despite being full of salt-water, is surprisingly resistant to electricity. When lightning hits you, the vast majority of it gets dazed and confused and hops back out, wanting less with you than you do. Incidentally, the most common injury from lightning strikes - aside from sweet looking scars, is hearing loss. Go figure.

by alaina70 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately the scars don't stay. At least not the cool looking ones called lichtenberg scars-which you're probably thinking of. The burn scars if bad enough will be permanent though.

by zitawolf 3 weeks ago

If i survived i would trace them with white tattoed lines, assuming it wouldn't be face front of the neck hands etc.

by Wild-Cloud8836 3 weeks ago

What about other animals. Every horse I've know that's gotten struck has died.

by ZealousidealBat5177 3 weeks ago

Can confirm. Have been hit multiple times.

by frida48 3 weeks ago

What counts as hit? Lightning hit tree in my front yard. Traveled down the water line into my basement. I was trying to unplug everything because of the storm. I saw a flash travel across the room and at fireball come out of my hand as the electricity arced to the grounded receptacle. Blew up all the electronics in my house, and cracked the neighbors foundation. I felt the shock through my body. But I still imagine it doesn't count as being hit by lightning.

by Playful-Chance-7417 3 weeks ago

The same thing happened to me in high school while lying with my feet up on the couch. My body stiffened so fast that I flew off the couch into the coffee table and got knocked out. I remember feeling amazing the next couple days.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Would you say it brightened up your week?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

If the electricity from the lightning went through you, then you were indirectly struck

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

If the mortality rate is 10% this means you can live 9/10 times when struck by lightning. In turn this means you have 9 lives. Congrats, you're a cat!

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I've met someone that says the same. How do you know you were hit?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

You feel it. In one case, other people told me they saw it happen.

by frida48 3 weeks ago

Wtf did it feel like? I'm in awe. I've heard about zippers fusing to people's skin as a result

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Well, it's like being electrocuted. Your jaw slams shut, your muscles tense up, you can crack teeth when it happens. For days afterwards, you've got a headache and sore muscles.

by frida48 3 weeks ago

Damn. I've never been electrocuted. Have you? (Outside of lightning of course)

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

My mom says I got hit. I don't remember this, just walking then getting up from falling down, hair all standing up like a cartoon.

by Mclaughlinjauni 3 weeks ago

That would mean that roughly 30 to 40 people are struck by lightning each year at Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. 😳 I've always wanted to visit that place, but now I'm not so sure. It is super cool though.

by Pure-Conversation819 3 weeks ago

You mean to tell me that 1.21 jigawatts can kill.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

That's only because this one dude really brings the average down.

by Rosahilll 3 weeks ago

Painfully is my guess

by mariano77 3 weeks ago

we can't let the lightning inside!

by Big_Key4080 3 weeks ago

That is interesting! How do age, weight, gender, race, general health matter in survival rates?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

All of the lightning bolts preffered to remain anonymous so we will never know :/

by mariano77 3 weeks ago

Damn. They do know their rights don't they

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Unless you look like a lightning rod then it increases exponentially

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I still remember someone who was struck by lightning 3-4 times. Miraculously, until he died, lightning continued to strike the tombstone.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

90% immortality rate LFG

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

No lie I know I guy who has been struck twice and he's still kickin. I guess one time he was technically standing in a puddle that got struck

by Sipeskeyshawn 3 weeks ago

I am shocked to know this

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

You mean you are shocked to learn this?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Why is this "surprising"?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Because lightning is millions of volts and thousands of amps, when a human can be killed by a 48volt, .1amp circuit. Lightning also heats the air around it to a temperature hotter than the surface of the sun

by antonetta88 3 weeks ago

Probably being the short duration. When your electrocuted via a power source it normally is constant and will continue pumping electricity through your body until your pulled away or gravity happens to pull you away. Electricity from a power source tends to hold on.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago