+38 Not wanting physical touch should be normalized, amirite?

by Zestyclose-Chair5247 3 weeks ago

It's never going to make sense to bend the world to your illness. People touch each other and you having some kind of weird phobia about it doesn't make it abnormal.

by Starkdee 3 weeks ago

Touching is absolutely not abnormal and hugging your loved ones also is good for your health. But don't you ever just feel like you don't want to shake hands right now because it is very hot outside or you are sick or you don't feel like it? And you had to do it because it is socially expected of you?

by Zestyclose-Chair5247 3 weeks ago

what battlefield are we on? i just don't want to shake hands because some people grip too hard and make my constant hand pain worse

by ResponsibleLecture 3 weeks ago

It's fine if you don't want to. The rest of the world can do whatever they want.

by Kuphaljarred 3 weeks ago

I even get people touching my beard randomly. I don't like it. Get away from me.

by Worried_Buyer 3 weeks ago

I feel with you, you must have a really awesome beard. A male friend of mine had really beautiful curly hair. And every mom on the soccer field wanted to touch them. One day he snapped and said ,i hate all those desperate, middle aged woman touching my hair without asking,. He then cut them really short and to this day he has this short hair cut.

by Zestyclose-Chair5247 3 weeks ago

Almost sounds like we know the same person. Have a friend who had a big curly afro and he cut it off because people kept touching it.

by Worried_Buyer 3 weeks ago

Oh damn, it would be so funny if that was the same guy. It is really a shame they had to take so drastic measurements. It would have been nicer if those ladies respected his boundaries and opinion. He really liked his hair before his buzz cut.

by Zestyclose-Chair5247 3 weeks ago

I am also weird about touch, but I've learned to get over it for the sake of social norms.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I have very sweaty hands too but meh it is what it is Nowadays there is an idea that we should always be comfortable at all times, it is not actually good for people

by LegScared1079 3 weeks ago

"so i just don't think shaking hands is a good option for me." It's a fine option if you're not insecure about your hands.

by Kuphaljarred 3 weeks ago

Carry Purell in your man bag and get over it. That's how human socialization works.

by No_Leather 3 weeks ago

"not much of a hugger, are you?" I JUST HUGGED YOU. I COMPLIED NOW LEAVE ME ALONE

by lavonne60 3 weeks ago

The problem is, you're insecure with your sweaty hands, so you think the world should change to fix that for you.

by Kuphaljarred 3 weeks ago

yes, unpopular. what is wrong with a handshake?

by Hoegersage 3 weeks ago

For me it feels unnecessary and people sometimes interpret too much into a simple handshake. Like ,oh his grip was so soft, it seems like he doesn't have the willpower for this job' or ,his handshake was too long what a strange guy'. My doctor ,for example, doesn't shake hands because of health/hygiene reasons and i am totally with him on that. But i do still shake hands because it is the norm.

by Zestyclose-Chair5247 3 weeks ago

Suck it up, buttercup. I used to hate it when I would sit down for lunch, and then someone I know or my lunchmates know would walk over to our table, and I had to shake hands, then the food would come. So I would excuse myself to go wash my hands. But I never complained because it is unreasonable for me to expect others to bend to my hygenic preferences. No one had a clue that I did not like shaking their hand right before eating. Life is mostly one unpleasantness after another, with an occasional pleasure mixed in. Get used to it, because it only gets worse as you get older.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Suck it up, buttercup. i hate when people say this. you lose nothing from someone not wanting to shake your hand

by ResponsibleLecture 3 weeks ago

In business, it is rude to not shake hands. You will suffer for it. So just do it, and wash your hands later at the first opportunity.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

why is it rude?

by ResponsibleLecture 3 weeks ago

It is rude because society deems it so. Are you really unfamiliar with this practice? You must not have worked in a professional setting. In some cultures, it is rude not to bow when greeting someone. It may seem arbitrary, yet it is the way the world works. The world will not bend to your whims. You must adapt to its requirements, or suffer for it.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

why does society think it's rude?

by ResponsibleLecture 3 weeks ago