+35 As the prevelance of cameras increase, the sightings of Bigfoot decrease. amirite?

by Ardenbode 3 weeks ago

Just wait for AI to improve.

by Mantearlo 3 weeks ago

It's been awhile since any recorded miracles have happened as well…

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Not actually true. It's was only a year or so ago where a girl was reportedly miraculously healed at a Catholic conference. Eyesight I believe.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

no such thing as miracles

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Depends on your definition of miracle

by RespondEducational84 3 weeks ago

I would have expected us to be flooded with high quality ghost photos by now too

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

That is because Bigfoot is not a real thing.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

No, it's because Bigfoot is shy and doesnt want photos on social media.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Fair Point...me neither

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Personally I think it was.... at some point. The fact that multiple continents and far apart nations have similar stories of similar creatures suggests that a big ape, upright walking creature existed. Ie... yeti and bigfoot Now, is it around today? I don't think so. Even in the early 1900s? Maybe but probably not

by Ardenbode 3 weeks ago

Your example of evidence is actually just hearsay. We naturally anthropomorphise things we sorta see and the reliability and truthfulness of an eyewitness account is reliably unreliable. We evolved to assume a rustle in the bushes is a big threat which facilitated our survival. We also have blind spots and glitches in our vision and cognitive processing. People having these shared experiences isn't an unlikely occurrence, it's guaranteed to happen.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Doesn't this assume that Bigfoot is a constant? As cameras increase, and we as a species pave the planet, wouldn't that mean there's less habitat to support Bigfoot?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Lets assume cameras become common place in the 60s.... the habitat loss for a possible bigfoot while it has gone down would not have decline so much as to make them extinct. More people, more cameras, should mean more sightings... even if there are less Bigfoot. But I don't think there are any, and cameras are too good now to fake a sighting, tech is too good to spot a fake. And if you say you saw one but don't have a pic, everyone is going to ask whybyou didn't take a picture.... since most everyone carries a camera now. This also goes for ufos

by Ardenbode 3 weeks ago

Nah UFOs are real they probably just aren't exciting

by RespondEducational84 3 weeks ago

Camera's are Bigfoot's natural enemy. Once the camera population goes up then the Bigfoot population naturally recedes… such is nature.

by Starkneil 3 weeks ago

Bigfoot got a 5gal size of Nair from Costco and looks like a hairless Jason Momoa today

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

This can only mean one thing. Bigfoot has an invisibility cloak

by Charming-Process3491 3 weeks ago

Right? And where is all the footage of hauntings and such? You hear stories of poltergeists that throw things around, open and close drawers/cabinets and all that, but so little footage of it when people basically walk around with a camcorder on them 24/7. It's almost as if these things aren't real.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I always get a laugh when I take this over to UFOs, they really want to believe.

by bschuppe 3 weeks ago

It's actually the prevalence of high megapixel cameras. Due to quantum effects, he can only be captured by potato quality cameras.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I would argue there were far fewer Bigfoot photos before cameras existed.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I didn't say anything about photos...

by Ardenbode 3 weeks ago