+24 Americans shouldn't get to break the law of another country and expect to get special treatment, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Agreed. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. You don't get to come to another country and ignore its laws, there is always a choice of not going there if the laws are disagreeable to you.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Funny how so many come here and don't respect our laws by illegally crossing the border.

by Key-Advertising-1485 3 weeks ago

You realize that just about every country is going to intervene on their behalf if one of their citizens is in trouble in an another country, right? That's why we have embassies, diplomats, etc ...

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Your fallacy is that the American Media actually represent the opinion of the people and isn't just mass produced rage bait for clicks in a dead industry

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Not sure whether you know this or not, but if the opposite happened, diplomats and politicians from the Turks and Caicos would lobby and intervene on their behalf too.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

What are you even talking about?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Not sure which Americans you're referring to, lots of people from a bunch of places do this but I don't know what your point is

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I literally named the American I was talking about, and lots of people do what? I don't see a lot of people from other countries get arrested for bringing arms into T&C. Can you link five instances? If you can, I'll be happy to say I'm wrong.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Forgive me for generalizing on your generalization

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

There's only really one law of the world…"if you can, you can."

by Effective-Toe 3 weeks ago

That's an unpopular opinion?

by HoldEducational 3 weeks ago

"oops I forgot I had drugs on me" "why can't we bring ammo in" I was under the impression that drugs and weapons weren't allowed through TSA even for domestic flights. Even in checked bags there's usually restrictions/screenings on stuff like this, especially since they have bag tags of where they are going. How do people even get on the plane with those items to begin with?

by EagleAcrobatic 3 weeks ago

And America also shouldn't allow non citizens to break the law by coming into our country through non legal ports of entry. But yet they are all rewarded with being allowed to stay so….

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It's a stupid fing law, ten years for accidentally having ammunition in your luggage? Literally fck those people, if I were president I would threaten military action if they didn't release those people. I'm tired of stupid people making stupid laws and expecting the rest of us to go along with it. Same goes with any other country, Saudi Arabia cutting off hands for theft, Singapore and their draconian drug laws, they can all fck off.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

"Expecting the rest of us to go along with it?" It's their country you're visiting on vacation! Of course you have to obey their laws!

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

How do you accidentally put ammo in your luggage?

by Necessary_Nebula 3 weeks ago

You know that if the laws of those countries piss you off so much, you can literally just not go. And threatening military action because of not liking the laws of some countries is basically how you find yourself at war with everybody, as every country is going to object you interfering in their internal affairs. Upholding the domestic law is literally their internal affair.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Why should singapore get away with breaking an Americans neck for marijuana? Why wouldn't we threaten some sort of intervention if that were to happen? There is no scientific or moral basis for enforcing the death penalty for weed, especially not while alcohol and cigarettes are perfectly legal. You'd rather the country just let them break their neck because that's what Singapore's unjustified laws prescribe? I can't get down with it. There comes a point where encroaching on a nations sovereignty becomes the just thing to do.

by Late_Reality 3 weeks ago

Exactly, I'd take out the entire leadership of Singapore if they hurt an American over weed.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Luckily you can avoid the stupid laws by checking your bags before you travel. It's really not that hard to follow the rules…

by Remote_District 3 weeks ago

They can avoid military action by not making stupid laws, it's not that hard.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Or they can just follow the rules and, once again, won't even have to worry about it.

by Remote_District 3 weeks ago

Or they can just release the Americans before we release the F-16S.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Lol. Okay dude. Hope you get caught with ammo in your bag like the other morons. 😂

by Remote_District 3 weeks ago

I don't own a gun and I hate gun nuts, so that's not going to happen. That said what I hate even more is stupid laws and the boot lickers who support them.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Meh. Like I said. If you follow the stupid rules then you don't have to worry about them.

by Remote_District 3 weeks ago

Any country would or at least should protect their citizens. My problem with this case specifically is that (if it's what I remember) this isn't the first case and it just started happening a lot more. To me it seems like a shake down of people unfamiliar with the bribing system many countries have in place. Also from my perspective as an American and a gun owner. It's a few loose rounds of ammo. They aren't smuggling in guns or usable amounts of ammunition. We have taxes on alcohol and tobacco, not sure the rules for bringing in stuff from other countries but if it's just for personal use I'm more than willing to turn my head to that.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

US is greatest, most powerful country on earth, and our citizens may travel the world with the knowledge that we are special. It is one of the few perks that apply even to regular folks. Nice.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago