-32 The NBA is the most unserious and unprofessional sports league in North American sports, amirite?

by InvestigatorRough 3 weeks ago

I don't watch the nba much but I can tell you watch it less then me

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

OP sounds like he doesn't play basketball even for fun lol.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

The point of an ISO is to spread the floor for the ballcarryer to essentially play one on one agaist the defender. If the other offball defenders leaves his assigned man it'll lead to a pass which will lead to an easy shot.

by Neither-Employment 3 weeks ago

Also to get some on court rest for some players instead of sprinting around all game. It allows teams to keep important guys out there longer. OP is just dumb

by Legrosloyal 3 weeks ago

Isos aren't really ran to get guys rest, no. Source: NBA assistant coach in my family

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Who dumb meow?

by iabbott 3 weeks ago

OP doesn't understand ball and it shows lol

by Obvious_Usual118 3 weeks ago

OP never played ball and it shows.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

ISO ball sucked in the 90's and 00's because it was every possession. Now it's maybe 10% depending on the team and a cool change of pace in the offense. OP doesn't watch basketball.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

You talk like you've never watched a full NBA game in your life so this seems less like an unpopular opinion and more you not liking the NBA and feeling the need to justify it

by Fredylangworth 3 weeks ago

OP is utterly clueless.

by Burdettestrosin 3 weeks ago

But Shaq was judged as notoriously lazy, so there was a clear judgement of that behavior by fans and contemporaries.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'm not sure that one of the most unique player of all time invalidates an entire league. Plus, Shaq talks out of ass 99% of the time.

by Burdettestrosin 3 weeks ago

And probably has never picked up a basketball

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

the celebrity thing just gave me such a laugh

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Or any other sport. In European soccer players act like they were shot, get stretchered off the field, then run back on 2 minutes later.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'm a big fan of football, but I will admit the players are little drama queens when it comes to selling fouls to the ref. Nothing more embarrassing than a player diving and rolling around on the pitch pretending to be in pain, only to stand up 5 seconds later like nothing happened after realizing the ref wasn't buying it.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Or played a lot of sports with jumping. Insist on not falling to the ground when you land on a foot (or something else) and you'll need knee surgery within a year.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

OP has probably never watched a single basketball game in their life lol

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It was embarrassing to see defending players standing around watching an "iso". Again, why have the rest of the team if players are staring watching the point guard, for him to maybe pass, but more often than not they make "iso" plays that while are impressive at first, get boring the 50th time you see it in a game. It is painfully obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

OP is the guy who never watches many sports and tuned into a basketball game for a night.

by Cremincarmel 3 weeks ago

Europe plays better in Europe. Different rules, different play styles

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yea for sure and against worse talent. People don't understand how effective isos are simply because these people are that good

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Right? Like this is epic levels of not understanding what someone is talking about.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

they play 82 games a season. And a season rarely comes down to one game or one play. The playoffs and winning a championship is a marathon. Not a Sprint. You don't Go all out every single play as hard as you can. Cuz you still need to play the rest of the game and the rest of the year. That's kind of the point of basketball. It's not football. And if he thinks that the way that basketball players do it is unprofessional. He should watch baseball sometime. Those guys are out there tossing sausages around on the field.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Iso in the game is actually quite inefficient and overused by teams because coaches have lost alot of sway in drawing up team plays… what op said is wrong somewhat but it has some merit behind it.

by Hot-Log7555 3 weeks ago

Not a chance you've ever actually watched basketball

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Forgot this existed. Thanks!

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yeah like the teams huddle up and was like "yo, just let em score till the last 5 minutes, that's where real basketball starts." Mfers out there playing chess and this man thinks they letting people score.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It's a long season and most of the teams make the playoffs. You are correct that players aren't going 100% at all times.

by vincenzo48 3 weeks ago

Dude is someone who would refer to basketball as sportsball unironically.

by bethellubowitz 3 weeks ago

Pick and roll is still ran far more and is more effective.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yeah, but I feel like they're usually part of the same strategy. Run an iso and either throw off the defender early with the pick and roll, or have the pick and roll come later to bail them out if the iso isn't producing anything.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

The dumb part though is virtually everyone who complains about this hearkens back to the halcyon days of the '90s which was an even more ISO heavy period.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

The biggest thing that makes it unserious is the fact that 2/3 of the league makes the playoffs and teams regularly get in with below .500 records

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

The worst team to make the playoffs this year was 46-36

by Steuberjamarcus 3 weeks ago

This is just a lie

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It's not like they get a whole series though

by Grand-Bid1417 3 weeks ago

The playins have consistently been some of the best games of the year aswell so idk what bro is talking about

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'm all for it, it allows for some underdog upsets which makes for good basketball.

by Grand-Bid1417 3 weeks ago

it's like 3 extra games per conference, it's not that serious. the play-ins take like a week to wrap up

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Playoffs are where they make the money. The NBA competes with the NFL for 80% of its regular season, then loses basketball audiences for a month to March Madness, and then the weather gets warm and less people watch TV. Do we not understand sports leagues are a business

by Timothy17 3 weeks ago

The east maybe, but only half the league gets to the actual playoffs.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

OP watched the all star game and became furious

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Ahh so you've never watched an NBA game before. Got it

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Or….any sport? NFL is full of bravado and showboating, as are a lot of other sports. It's supposed to be fun and unserious at times because it's a game for entertainment.

by Cremincarmel 3 weeks ago

The nfl has legit choreographed dances in the end zones but we're complaining about basketball players smirking at each other? lol. For what it's worth I don't think either are a problem

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I hate people that can't have fun. Everything has to be stern and serious.

by Cremincarmel 3 weeks ago

If you think the nba is bad you should watch the WNBA lmao

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Here is the thing, no one watches the WNBA.

by AnyCitron 3 weeks ago

Tom 1 Tom 2 Rim-Shot

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It's one of the fasted growing sports in the country. If it keeps up its current pace of growth for the next 5-10 years more people will be watching it than the NHL.

by RoleAffectionate 3 weeks ago

Gotta update those jokes. It's definitely starting to get more viewership.

by vernongerhold 3 weeks ago

The NFL just feels like a tax shelter for billionaires

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

True with all pro and college sports.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Everything is a tax-shelter for billionaires.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

This opinion is pretty popular among older white men in the midwest who think that these "boys" in the nba are all about "showboating." We hear you loud and clear, buddy.

by qframi 3 weeks ago

Man I wish they allowed showboating. I forget what happened earlier in the playoffs but Antman just stared at someone and they called a tech. Op is talking about too much showboating but I want more of it. Give me some A.I. stepping over Lue disrespect.

by Dorthymaggio 3 weeks ago

You people see bad whites under your bed at night lol

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yeah but they stole my bedsheets.

by bufordrutherfor 3 weeks ago

And cut holes in them

by Legrosloyal 3 weeks ago

What did you mean by that

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Basketball isn't really that popular here in the UK but I always assumed the showboating in the NBA was a part of its appeal. I've seen interviews of a few athletes over here who admire the spectacle of an NBA game.

by erickakemmer 3 weeks ago

Because no one respects regular season results. If you won 70 games but lose in the first round of the playoffs, your season is a "failure." That's not a player problem so much as an NBA structural problem.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Anybody who says that has never watched the All-Star gameβ€”that's what it looks like when the greatest basketball players in the world aren't trying.

by Kacipowlowski 3 weeks ago

OP is a golf guy, so yeah, just STFU dude. You sound like a miserable, pale, boomer.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

An nba game is 48minute where did you get your 2,5h+ game ?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Probably commercials included.

by Kutchestell 3 weeks ago

Too many teams make the playoffs. It's just for fun until the playoffs start. The NBA knows this, it's the reason they've tried to implement in-season tourneys and such.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yea!! Why can't those thugs be classy like the NHL!?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

As an NHL fan I can assure you it's a more unprofessional and ridiculous league. The NBA is much more serious and legitimate.

by reichertmackenz 3 weeks ago

Are you crazy? NHL interviews are the most boring, predictable thing ever. They may be boring, but they certainly aren't divas like many NBA players

by Cold-Tax-4518 3 weeks ago

There have always been idiots, showboats, arrogance, and god, complainers. But it feels next Level these days. Every contact is complained, every foul is whined, every flop a disgrace, every dribble is an opportunity to thump your chest. There are excellent players playing like jokic, curry, even lebron with the whining and flopping is fun, but on par I just can't care anymore about the league.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

The actual problem with the NBA is the lack of defense and referees not enforcing traveling and double dribbles. Either have rules or don't.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I also think that the very back and forth nature of the game honestly means that the first 3 quarters are mostly meaningless. So much can and does change in the last 10 minutes it's kinda insane.

by Kutchestell 3 weeks ago

This sounds vaguely racist in that 1990s white dad "they don't play the game the right way" manner lmao.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yall see racism under your bed at night, good lord

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

You said too much, exposing you're lack of basketball intellect. Otherwise could have been a better discussion. I see this in all sports. It's entertainment and clearly not for you.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Guarantee you OP loves Hockey, NASCAR, and Tom Brady

by Milford07 3 weeks ago

If you really wanna piss someone off, offer a differing opinion in regards to politics or sports.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Or religion or food

by Kutchestell 3 weeks ago

Sports is popular and by nature divisive.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

This is why I only watch the playoffs. At least they seem to take that somewhat seriously.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Hey man, playoff Tatum isn't a thing

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

"It was embarrassing to see defending players standing around watching an ISO". What should they do exactly? Tackle the ball carrier?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It must be frustrating watching a sport you clearly don't understand. There's many issues with the nba and I don't think you mentioned one of them. Just the symptoms of those issues.

by Jdach 3 weeks ago

Never watches basketball. Has strong opinions about NBA.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

sport is good only for those who practice it.

by Kuhlmanodessa 3 weeks ago

This reads like someone who either doesn't actually watch sports, doesn't actually watch the NBA, or is just pissed that they make so much money. My money is on a combination of two of them.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I don't even follow basketball but the idea that the players are just "not trying" for the majority of the game is completely absurd.

by guidocartwright 3 weeks ago

Let's get you to bed Grandpa

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago


by Bitter_Humor 3 weeks ago


by dachrebeka 3 weeks ago

Meh. Watch what pleases you. I tune in Later April and enjoy ten weeks of great competition.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Dude all sports are that way. It's a sport it's a hold over from high school level maturity and intellect. It's the most basic form of entertainment in human history based on a kids game and you you call it..... unprofessional πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ with a serious face πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ about a sport πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ good one buddy that's rich hahahahaha

by Edwinziemann 3 weeks ago

Man, just say you want to be racist but you can't IrL

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Basketball got boring after the MJ era

by BusIllustrious6743 3 weeks ago

Alot of words to just say I don't watch or even understand the sport

by Elegant-Fall8143 3 weeks ago

What happened to the game I love

by More-Orange6723 3 weeks ago

The NHL exists so I disagree.

by Intelligent_Rule 3 weeks ago

College basketball is where it's at

by Organic_Ask 3 weeks ago

Crazy you can say that when the MLB exists…

by Acceptable-Assist 3 weeks ago

Op over here acting like professional roller hockey doesn't exist

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Have you ever played basketball casually in your life OP?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I dont think you actually watch basketball lol. It's pretty obvious you don't understand what an iso actually is or why it's used Also they don't just let teams score until the last five minutes. It's almost like playing defense is hard in the nba or something

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

OP, go try and play basketball, you will get smoked by some 12 year old because it's not a very intuitive game. I don't actually think you've watched a full game because it's not as easy as you are imagining lmao.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Bro has watched zero wolves games their defense is elite all game.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Matt flynn was an nfl qb who made tens of millions of dollars. has a superbowl ring, a green bay packer record for yards and touchdowns in a game. He also only started 7 games in his career. Every sport in the world has players that just have swagger

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

This is why I only watch the last five minutes. And only during playoffs. When my team is in β€˜em. Lol

by OwnAdhesiveness 3 weeks ago


by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Oh well, It's just a game after all.

by Fabiolahowell 3 weeks ago

Wow, you really have no idea what you're talking about. Players who get interviewed after a game when they're super exhausted, and you expect them to be philosophical or something? And if they even say one thing slightly offensive it will be turned into the biggest offense ever and be shown 24/7 for a month... So of course they have to stay vague when they have complaints for example. And it's a sport with only 5 guys on the pitch, which really means a lot more star power, and a single guy can effect th game a lot more, than in american football, soccer, rugby or hockey or any of the other popular team sports.

by Ndaugherty 3 weeks ago

Also do you know how basketball works? Maybe google it?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

"I'm racist ok?!"

by nolanfelicia 3 weeks ago

If you think teams are allowing guys to score then you clearly don't understand anything about basketball. These are the most skilled athletes on the world.

by RoleAffectionate 3 weeks ago

It was embarrassing to see defending players standing around watching an "iso". Again, why have the rest of the team if players are staring watching the point guard, for him to maybe pass, but more often than not they make "iso" plays that while are impressive at first, get boring the 50th time you see it in a game. Yeah basketball sucks to watch when you have zero idea how it works lmao

by joannystokes 3 weeks ago

Because hackey sack never went viral

by Tough-Hand 3 weeks ago

bro has no idea how basketball works

by dudleycole 3 weeks ago

"I don't understand basketball or sports in general"^

by Human-Individual 3 weeks ago

As opposed to baseball where they are just standing around for hours on end.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Only losers flop, because they got bested and saw no other option than to cheat

by langoshalivia 3 weeks ago

100% agree

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Have you ever watched a soccer game? It's like a soap opera on grass with the amount of drama when a player flops.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

lol wait till you learn about the point shaving/game fixing. Nothing about North American sports is legit. They're Entertainment companies not sports competitions.

by andersondella 3 weeks ago

Hence why sportsbooks bets are so silly to me. You wanna bet life changing money on people balling? OK lol.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Very silly if you arnt in on the fix. If you are in on the scam it's literally free money.

by andersondella 3 weeks ago

True true haha. The funniest thing is when someone with insider information makes bank with that info and it takes the casino years to realize they've been robbed lmaooo. And then the league threatens to suspend them. Kinda too late at that point πŸ˜πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'm kinda with you. Trying to convince me there isn't at least a little fixing in pro sports is the same as convincing me politicians aren't insider trading. If there's money to be made then it's absolutely happening at least some of the time. I used to get mad at baseball players when they hit a ground and just trot down to first base assuming they're out. Happens so often. If I was a coach Youd be benched idc if you're making 100 million.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It's very difficult to tell exactly how in baseball but it's also obvious they don't care about rules or enforcement due to Houston cheating their way to the World Series and getting to keep the money and WS rings

by andersondella 3 weeks ago

Essentially all sport has some level of bias/corruption. Not sure why you want to just say it's exclusively an NA issue.

by Dveum 3 weeks ago

It's not that the players aren't trying on defense it's that good offence beats good defence

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I find it worrisome how an NBA athlete can throw a basketball at a fan. Hitting them and causing injury, yet only be suspended for 4 games. He literally committed criminal negligence which under most laws is considered a felony. If I did that at my job I'd be fired on the spot. I'd be taking to a lawyer soon after because I'd be looking at possible criminal charges.

by Acrobatic_County 3 weeks ago

The police investigated. He didn't commit criminal negligence throwing a ball at someone and they werent injured. He also apologized and was apologized to by the fans. It will be okay.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I love basketball but my main issue with the league is the blatant ref manipulation in every game. The league has a narrative they want to push so you'll all of a sudden see heavy fouls getting called in an important game on a team that never gets a lot of fouls called on them. I've seen this happen in multiple series just this season alone. The refs ignoring blatant fouls is how and why we ended up with the flopping crisis plaguing the league. Due to revenue loss, the league hates when a team sweeps another team in the playoffs, so the refs start doing everything they can to prolong a playoff series when one team starts getting ahead. I also believe the NBA looks at branding every year and they push teams and players up who they believe is good for the brand of basketball. Lastly, the league picks and chooses who to punish and not to punish based upon on terrible courtside player behaviors. There were a few really bad, dangerous actions that out of control players did on the court this year so far in the playoffs and the league has barely smacked their hands as a result.

by Fantastic_Strength 3 weeks ago

just wait until you look into soccer

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Bro hates fun, I never understood why so many get upset at showboating in sports. You can do it and not be disrespectful and if it is it rarely ever leaves the court. You ever played sports? Part of the competitiveness is also tied to confidence. It's fun when someone stunts on your team and you have to see your team respond to it. Idk a sport where theres 0 celebration.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

soccer flop

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

OP has definitely said All Lives Matter

by stephon02 3 weeks ago