+35 It takes 2 wipes to know you need 3 wipes, but it takes 3 wipes to know you need 2 wipes, amirite?

by Senior-Post-1336 3 weeks ago

bidet users have entered the chat

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I hate pooping at work now. I used to not care what toilets I used. I used to just go when needed. But now, everything is different.

by pkirlin 3 weeks ago

Get a bidet and 1 wipe is all you need

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Now should we wipe in the same direction or alternate with each wipe ?

by Markstalon 3 weeks ago

That makes no sense. If you need 3 to know you only needed 2, then you can't know anything after 2.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Flushable wipes is a big issue at municipal water processing facilities, so use your hands then wipe the hand using ONE flushable wipe

by InternationalToe8676 3 weeks ago