+20 Console exclusives are a good thing, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Not only that but it's easier for developers to make a game using a single pipeline of hardware. Less optimization for various consoles etc. The end result is usually games that are visually more ambitious.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Or at the very least, developers can more precisely leverage the nuances of that particular hardware. With Multi-platform games being the standard these days, exclusives I think still serve an important purpose. They've always been meant to be great games that incentivize you to buy hardware. You wanna play Spiderman? You need a Playstation. You wanna play Mario? You need a Nintendo. If those games were simply everywhere, most people would just choose their preferred platform.

by JuryApprehensive 3 weeks ago

You do understand the games have to be made on pc? So no.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

No, lack of exclusives (which we certain don't have today) means that a console must stand in it's own merit. As it stands a console can succeed based on which exclusive contracts can be signed, or devs purchased, rather than how good the console and user experience is. Lacks of exclusives wouldn't encourage more innovation and focus on quality for console manufacturers.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago