+33 No one can be sure that their birthday is correct. amirite?

by Cnikolaus 3 weeks ago

Explain why you think that

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Cause they themselves don't remember being born so they technically don't know 100%? Or something else? I have no clue lol Cause there's other methods of valid proof besides here say.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago


by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

But who is to verify those time stamps are accurate? What even is time? Who is responsible for keeping the calendar? Days have been lost in the past. We don't even really know what day it actually is.

by Life_Preparation 3 weeks ago

Isn't that what life is all about? What even is existence?

by Life_Preparation 3 weeks ago

its not this deep lol

by Bkling 3 weeks ago

Interestingly enough, my best friend was born just before midnight. But the nurse wrote the current time when she got to the paperwork, so according to the official document, his birthday is just past midnight. His mom made a stink about it, but nothing to do about it. It's entirely plausible that it could have happened, and the mother didn't catch it and just went with the birth certificate date.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Not true. My own mother was actually there when I was born.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

There's this weird thing called a "birth certificate" where all the people who saw you born sign off on it, so unless you want to get into the existential of whether you can be sure of anything that is as good as it gets

by HopeInteresting8515 3 weeks ago

Well technically no one can be sure of anything.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

If that was true, we could be sure that nobody could be sure of anything. But then we could be sure of something, making the premise false

by Anxious-Second7660 3 weeks ago

Thank you for pointing out logical fallacies

by Life_Preparation 3 weeks ago

Just doing my job, some stoic man 🫡

by Anxious-Second7660 3 weeks ago