+29 As you get older, 4am goes from being really late at night to being really early morning. amirite?

by Intelligent_Truth167 3 weeks ago

That's a clever observation! It's like 4am transforms from the time for late-night adventures to the peaceful early hours of the morning.

by Gloomy-Ad-4749 3 weeks ago

Deadass middle of the night

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It went from being when I went to bed to when I and up and am mad that I can't go back to sleep

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

as I get older i wake up before 4 am just to enjoy the peaceful time

by Kristin97 3 weeks ago

Same. Not sure if you have kids but our baby gets up at 530. So I'm up at 4 just to have time to myself before life sets in.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I totally get it. Even before the kiddo, I was a morning person. It is so quiet in the very early morning.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

0530? Jeez, our gets up at 0630 and I though we have it rough. My neighbors baby sleeps till frocking 0800-0830 though. I envy him so much.

by devin14 3 weeks ago

The other night I had insomnia and woke up at 4am. At first was annoyed but then realized I could finally finish the book I am reading. Ended up being a blessing in disguise.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yep. I wake up at 0345 to go to the gym for this reason. I never have any time for just myself and it's all I get with a 4 yo and almost 1 yo

by queenaufderhar 3 weeks ago

Everything past the witching hour (2am) is tomorrow. This is also why if you don't know what you're doing after 2am just go home.

by Formal-Volume7060 3 weeks ago

Thanks, Ted Mosby.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I watched JUST enough of this show to know how much you disrespected me.

by Formal-Volume7060 3 weeks ago

It's a recurring bit on the show that nothing good happens after 2 am. It has a pretty good payoff in the final season.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It upsets me greatly that Hollywood has stolen my argument that I so viciously stole from The BFG. Lotta arguments at the lunch table/army debates on what time the witching hour was.

by Formal-Volume7060 3 weeks ago

The witching hour is 3am not 2

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Typical argument but you're forgetting about Daylight Savings Time!!! You also have to remember that 100% of the arguments happened in a time when you couldn't just google how Daylight Savings Time worked. But I've definitely had this argument that 3am in England is 2am here because of daylight savings time. But once again we were confidently wrong in our arguments back then. I still must stand on business that the witching hour is 4am.

by Formal-Volume7060 3 weeks ago

got a lot of good memories wandering the streets after 2am

by donnellyrylee 3 weeks ago

I'm old. Just stayed up until 5 AM...got committed to computer project. I can still hit 'em, but damn, I pay. Terrible headache right now, LOL.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

What were you working on?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Or be me and consider it lunch/break time at work 😂

by SameConcentrate2766 3 weeks ago

I (37) was having a few drinks at a friend's house last week. Was having a great time, until I realised it was 3am. Called a cab immediately. 10-15 years ago, that was early 😂

by LeastSize8857 3 weeks ago

4AM is a liminal space.

by carrollransom 3 weeks ago

Having worked the graveyard shift at various points in my career, I never cared if it was late or early. It just was not the time to be awake.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Especially if you have to be in the parking lot by 5:30 am to park at or near the end of the row.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

As a night owl, nothing has changed

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Actually, I've noticed that I started waking up at 4am after I turned 35, now I'm 38. But I really like it waking up that early when everyone and everything is asleep.

by Witty_Group_2050 3 weeks ago

That's usually the time my bladder needs emptying.

by Margetowne 3 weeks ago

as someone currently working a graveyard shift, its my early evening lol.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

When I worked third shift, 4 am was barely "afternoon"

by Tiny_Conclusion 3 weeks ago

4am was never late at night for me 😅

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yep that's my life now at 28.

by Striking-Macaroon162 3 weeks ago

4am was never late for me haha. I've always gotten up somewhat early.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

For me it depends usually on which time of the year is it. It is really early morning during summer, when it's already actually kinda light and gets back to being really late night during autumn and winter when it's dark until 9 am

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

4 am might be early, but I wouldn't call it really early.

by Winter-Employ 3 weeks ago