-29 Gossiping about other people like it's a hobby when you're a grown adult is gross, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Assholes stay assholes. People only change if they have to and most don't. The people who were assholes when they were young are still assholes. Obviously not everyone.

by Brent01 3 weeks ago

how is this an unpopular opinion?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Because way too many people do it for it to be a popular opinion. No one admits it tho (maybe they don't even realize it tbf).

by MaleficentMap 3 weeks ago

It's one of those things that everyone admit it is bad, but will keep doing It regardless

by zgleichner 3 weeks ago

I gossip about my twin 😎 to my twin 😎

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss. events; small minds discuss people." - Eleanor. Roosevelt.

by Sufficient-Sundae315 3 weeks ago

this is a quote that is discussing people & also it is putting others down in an effort to build up the self very pretentious was Ms Roosevelt

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Found the one that likes people drama.

by Neither-Bite4657 3 weeks ago

I do. I like it so much I got a psychology degree

by Townemina 3 weeks ago

Lmao what

by Ok_Caterpillar1745 3 weeks ago

There is no indication of that beyond your assumptions. This is how you make your life worse all by yourself. Do you not have enough to complain about without putting words in Eleanor Roosevelt's mouth? Very forward-thinking of you. I complain about dudes all the time; morseo than I complain about women. Gasp! He just wrote the words "complain about women!!" Forget context!! Attack!!!

by Sufficient-Sundae315 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately it's the norm. Compassion is rare.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

That's boring, but if the gossip is an interesting story it doesn't matter if you know the people involved

by Candace82 3 weeks ago

Well, in this case it was two coworkers who previously hated each other and were called in the office on several occasions, and my husband is trying to make it into some kind of romcom. But even so, it's two people I've met maybe twice and matter very little to me. It's hard to feign interest at times.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

People don't care about morals

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Gossiping about other people doesn't hurt anyone, you're just spreading information that probably the person talked about will never know was spread, what's exactly gross about it? One thing is telling the whole school that A person is an asshole and did something to B person, other is saying it to your close friends.

by Candace82 3 weeks ago

I always gossip and I don't think I'll ever grow out of it. Trust, if someone does something rude or ridiculous, my friends will hear about it and it may become a running joke

by Moenjosiane 3 weeks ago

But it's so fun to listen to.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago


by Candace82 3 weeks ago

Dudes never heard of human nature ..

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I love hearing that excuse. Pathetic, if you ask me

by strackejordi 3 weeks ago

This is Hunter gatherer behavior. We are just women out here, gathering the berries, gossiping. I'm not saying be mean but I want to KNOW about everything

by Townemina 3 weeks ago

I worked in healthcare for a while, the gossip and negativity is off the charts. I was a nurse assistant out there doing the brutal stuff and the nurses would sit at the station and discuss other people's personal lives. My only defense against this type of behavior was to keep my act so formal and polite that the evil simply wouldn't stick. Somehow I made it out the other side.

by North-Procedure-3107 3 weeks ago

At least you said grown adult, if I have to hear "grown ass man" one more time I think I'll go insane.

by Financial-Tourist821 3 weeks ago

It's all they have and it's trash I hate humanity

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Gossiping evolved to make sure no one in the tribe takes more food than the other and make sure social cohesion and equality is in place. Nowadays it seemd out of place sometimes

by Mediocre_Celery9509 3 weeks ago

Gossiping is a funny thing. Everybody does it, it's an integral social function. But no one likes it. Or at least no one admits it.

by No_Location 3 weeks ago

This is gossiping.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I see you resonate

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago