+28 You rarely see a user review for jails, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

10/10. Would totally commit crimes to stay here again.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

9/10 mainly because I dropped the soap and it was too rough

by Internal_Pack_2806 2 months ago

Soap isn't supposed to be rough so yeah I'd give it 8/10 stars.

by Fmarquardt 2 months ago

7/10 because I just remembered the soap was rough as well

by Internal_Pack_2806 2 months ago

6/10 because the rough soap was better than the cheese grater.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

5/10 because i lost my cheese grater

by nicolas34 2 months ago

4/10 because no cheese

by Anonymous 2 months ago

3/10 because the cheese was American

by Anonymous 2 months ago

2/10 because you clearly never had slightly melted American cheese (I'm Swedish not that that matters)

by Internal_Pack_2806 2 months ago

3/10 because I'm willing to bet deli American cheese is much better than prepackaged singles and you're probably correct

by Anonymous 2 months ago

My grandfather used to call Jail a free bed and breakfast. Though, in my experience, paying is absolutely worth it

by osvaldo92 2 months ago

what you do in jail all day. Can confirm.

by Fun_Term 2 months ago

How traumatic, if at all, was the experience. I'm too soft for prison, I can't imagine ever going.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

you american? it is known that a significant american population has at least been to jail. how common is it to go to jail in your country?

by Dependent_Silver251 2 months ago

I mean it's not like every single person you come across has been to jail. But if you're from a more impoverished back ground like me, fairly common in the USA. I have a lot of friends and relatives who have but I am a bad example compared to the average American with the community I grew up in. But a lot of people have. It's true. And it makes sense considering about 1% of the American population is actively in jail or prison as we speak. That is a gigantic proportion compared to most other developed countries and suggests there are a lot of serious problems. And there definitely are. I've seen them.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

It should be noted that even though the terms are used interchangeably jail is not the same as prison; jail is lower security and usually used for minor crimes, while prison is higher security and where people go for more serious or violent crimes.

by Key_Yogurtcloset 2 months ago

⏱️ People typically spend 10-20 years here

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Must be pretty cozy then!

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People don't like going here, but the few that do, are VERY loyal

by Anonymous 2 months ago

This instantly made me think of Tasslehoff Burrfoot, a "kender" character from Dragonlance. Their race is known for their kleptomania, so they're always getting arrested and he always talks about his favorite and least favorite jails in difference cities

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I read the big all containing tome of dragonlance in jail lmaooo it was a decent story with a great ending

by Haunting-Ad6254 2 months ago

I like those books a lot, but they are a bit hard to listen to the audio book, they contain quite a few writing errors

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Yah I noticed multiple misspelled words etc. now the stormlight archive by Brandon Sanderson were excellent writing I read all of them.

by Haunting-Ad6254 2 months ago

I'm a big fan of David and Leigh Eddings "Belgarath" books and also RA Salvatore for the Drizz't books

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I have heard of ra Salvatore but haven't checked his works out personally and I'll look up belgarath!

by Haunting-Ad6254 2 months ago

I've actually left one before... lol in anger, silly thing to do. They didn't give my mom her blood medication after she asked 3 times. She could have had a stroke in there. Google maps has reviews for you to read! Worth the time if you want a laugh

by katlynndonnelly 2 months ago

10/10 Would use again but unfortunately this will be my last stay.

by ApprehensiveWar 2 months ago

"Came for my cellmate, stayed for the bars."

by yasminbogan 2 months ago

"5 Stars: Only place in town to get authentic green bologna sandwiches."

by Diamond41 2 months ago

Actually you do, but mostly negative ones. There are lots of associations containing former prisonners who raise voices against some really bad prisons.

by DifficultFan5275 2 months ago

You do. They're just scratched into the walls of the jail itself, so you have to be there to see it. Holding cell graffiti is a Whole Thing.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Back in "the old days of the internet" i stumbled upon a law support forum. And the most pronaunced part of that forum was exactly that Prision reviews. From a point of view of wives/partners of men serving their time. Visits, presents, phonecalls. Everything in detail, with personal "would not reccomend". Amazing stuff.

by Ok_Sky 2 months ago


by Anonymous 2 months ago

Have you checked? In my country there are some.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Rarely huh ? Can you link some of the rare reviews please ?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

They're all pretty 'meh' probably.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Why would that be a thing?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Mine doesn't have google reviews but I've heard conditions are awful

by Anonymous 2 months ago

No but you hear them if you know enough shady people

by Defiant-Border8692 2 months ago

It's not a place of lausure.

by kasandrawiza 2 months ago