+34 Humans are the only mammals that drink milk from another species. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

We're also the only mammals that figured out how to fly to the moon.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

My cat drinks milk all the time. She loves the stuff. It's milk for cats, but it still contains milk. Just lactose free.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Your cat is human

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It's also the only species in which a Wallachian impaled the corpses of thousands of Ottomans as he invaded their territory. I heard tales of a cow doing a similar thing but I don't really buy it.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

My cat drinks cow milk. Dogs, pigs, cats and other common animals are often used as wet nurses for orphaned or abandoned other animal babies at zoos and even in the wild. Once saw a cheetah raise a gazel baby after eating it's mother... Don't know how that ended though. Not mammals but thousand of different bacteria eat milk, whatever milk maggots turn into also eat milk. Though it's how they got their names, I don't think butterflies actually ever eat milk products.

by Direct-Finance 3 weeks ago

It's not just weird. Dairy is scary

by TrainingScience2745 3 weeks ago