-28 For map collectors, the more wrong the map is, the more it's worth, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

You got me there :(

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Some cartographers would include an error on purpose so they could prove somebody copied their work and then sue them for copyright infringement.

by jarod42 2 months ago

Perfect opportunity for me to make a fortune making and selling maps.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

They have to have been confidentially incorrect for it to have value

by Anonymous 2 months ago

You have no idea how confident I can be when incorrect

by heidenreichtoni 2 months ago


by Anonymous 2 months ago

"This map is showing a kraken in the North Atlantic. We'll take the long way around"

by Anonymous 2 months ago

This is true for most collecting. Coins, stamps, toys etc if it's manufactured to a standard then an off piece will be more valuable to those who put value in them simply because they are more rare.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

If that's all it takes, I'm about to get out the crayons and make a whole collection of priceless maps.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Maps are a 2 dimensional representation of a 3 dimensional world and were often used as political tools/ propaganda. The Mercator Projection depicts people further from the equator to have more land then they actually do and probably propelled power by those that used it.

by Anonymous 2 months ago