-29 Sony can be even scummier than Xbox yet somehow they get away with it more often, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

You just wait. The layoffs aren't done. The industry will be very slim by the end of the year

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Yeah all those studios gone. Now ms has 0 studios. What were they thinking?

by Informal_Nothing 2 months ago

They got rid of all costs to run studios and retained all assets, killing a few competitors in the process. Win win win if you don't have a soul.

by Pbarton 2 months ago

the biggest scare with all that was when they shut down arkane austin (and yes redfall wasn't good i'll admit that) because arkane studios as a whole makes my favorite games, hell i even have the mark of the outsider tatted on me. It nearly broke my heart and concerns me with what studio could be next.

by janick41 2 months ago

They shut down a studio that made a sleeper hit that got a game award. Microsoft is insane ATM.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Exclusives are scummy af

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I have been an Xbox gamer since gen one, but I eventually got a PS4 for a hand full for games, and now most of them are on PC, I sold that PS4, the way Sony handles exclusives is messed up. Xbox has reached out to sony a few times trying to swap a few games here and there, Sony won't have it.

by No_Combination_5435 2 months ago

Didn't they just neuter nearly every studio under them?

by One-Bread 2 months ago

yeah i gotta say when it comes to having to call any sony rep for an issue that's way out of your control i've always hated them, they are awful to work with and get answers from.

by janick41 2 months ago

They have good games

by Important_Look 2 months ago

Yep. That's all there is to it.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I mean that can ignore important contexts like how PS has a larger playerbase so ofc its gonna have more game sales And didn't Starfield break records for how much cash it made in preorders alone? And Acti-Blizz games? Not to mention Hi Fi won a ton of awards

by Melodic-Curve 2 months ago

Im so sorry to hear that

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Wdym? I really enjoyed it, felt like skyrim or fallout in space and I built a cool wish.com star destroyer

by Melodic-Curve 2 months ago

Skyrim without spells, enchantments, proper meelee fights, misc powers, creature variety, etc. It is a direct downgrade over Skyrim.

by buckridgesheldo 2 months ago

Idk I just used lightning and vampire powers in skyrim so I didn't notice. And I liked guns in Fallout more. So if had the powers from skyrim, guns from fallout, and jetpacks Still had that bethesda writing I like and I really enjoyed the general plot and quests

by Melodic-Curve 2 months ago

I don't want to sound like a douche. But i think there are many non bethesda games you'd like way more.

by buckridgesheldo 2 months ago

Can't wait for TLOUS Part 1 Directors Cut DX+ to come out

by One-Bread 2 months ago

Sony gets.more slack because they actually put out exclusives, and they generally don't suck. Xbox puts out barely anything, and it's all garbage when it launches.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah and Microsoft bought a lot of studios and aren't leading them the right way. Sony's at least giving gamers a focus on gaming. They're still a corporation at the end of the day and all profit based corporations are scummy. As long as you realize and accept that they are just doing what everyone else is doing, then you can appreciate the gaming quality better. The anger should be more toward corporate culture than just Sony only.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The helldivers thing you just mentioned they did not get away with... there was a large uproar about it that eventually caused them to reverse course. Meanwhile even though there were complaints sbout microsoft and their acquisitions they kept at it anyway...

by beattywaylon 1 month ago

Because they deliver on games.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Cuz Xbox has like no games lol

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The victim complex xbox User suffer from is outstanding.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

However I remember correctly aren't they the reason for $70 thing started I will gladly eat my words if it wasn't but like I remember the whole games being $70 now was because a PlayStation

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I remember buying games for $60 back in the 90s. The fact they've only gone up by $10 in 30 years especially with how much development costs have gone up is more than fair. If games truly kept up with inflation they'd be about $97.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

No it was because of 2K when they released NBA 2K21 back in August 2020 then Sony and Activision followed after.

by Willing_Work 1 month ago

Paying for multi-year exclusivity

by estefania11 1 month ago

You've gotta use punctuation dude. I can't make sense of any of this.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Rather Sony buy/pay companies for exclusivity because they believe that in what the developers create, than Microsoft buying companies, forcing them to make something they don't want, and then shutting down the company and firing most people from it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Game wars has had one of the most toxic cult like fan bases since game's inception. A lot of it has to do with the fact that these wars happen to people when they are kids and they get emotionally attached. They use their system as part of their identity as harder than apple vs android. There's very little reasoning with people on this.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

sony has been scummy since as early as 1986 or 1985... so no real surprise there.

by mckayla90 1 month ago


by Anonymous 1 month ago

Bro really asking why people hate the company more that's buying up not just studios but entire publishers left and right, failing to deliver good games and shutting studios of games who do perform just not to their unrealistic standards, compared to Sonymak

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I think the problem is that Microsoft doesn't have any "movie" games to compete. They just keep releasing flop after flop chasing the e-sports bag.

by estefania11 1 month ago

Sadly the whole Goodwill thing to have from PS4 is most likely going to stay because I have not seen a community this dedicated to a plastic box they're like the fans of the Cleveland browns no matter how much they screw up their fans will defend them for no reason

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I think it was a mean spirited from microsoft looking back, especially in the earlier days of the internet. But I want to suggest the hate was misdirected from the public who's camps are nowadays primarily dominated by finding the final fantasy/dragonball z's style kind of style cliche and those that find certain anime troupe's degrading or deplorable Microsoft had some what of a responsibility to be concise when communicating to capcom that dead rising and lost planet were the future. This eventually led Dark souls going multi platformed and cool niche games like earth defense force getting western releases. You have to remeber how heavily marketed and how well recieved Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Solid were before all this as well. Those games are kind of perverted by western standards, we were not as sexually liberated as the Japanese at the time, and still really are not yet there but better than then.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I mean it would explain why Nintendo who apparently is doing more just stupid stuff gets away with it but Jesus Christ I didn't even know about the Japanese gaming industry one geez

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You didn't know about it because he made it up

by One-Bread 1 month ago

Probably because 9/10 of their games are considered very good

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Sony has good games coming out every year. Xbox is litterally still in the same hole it fell in during the one release.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

At the end of the day playstation is known for having better exclusives. (Kinda been on a cold streak these past 2 years) but Xbox standalone hasn't done much for gaming these past 2 generations

by Reingerruthie 1 month ago

This is unpopular???? I feel like it's universal that Sony is scummier, they always have been

by Anonymous 1 month ago

No actually everyone's claiming Xbox is a scummier one of the two just because of what they did recently with the devs of HiFi Rush which I will gladly admit yeah they did something stupid but like no everyone thinks Sony has to clean track record even though I'm thinking they have done a lot of scummy things throughout the years

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Hell it's been widely known for years that Sony has gladly admit they've paid people to not release on Xbox

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'll never forgive Sony for killing Star Wars Galaxies. I hate them for eternity.

by Downtown_Plastic4674 1 month ago

'advanced users' lol. Like having proprietary ssd expansion is not something for advanced users. PS and xbox are almost identical, their biggest differences are their games which xbox's always sucks ass.

by theresewatsica 1 month ago