-33 Our pets must think we're insane for staring at shiny rectangles all day, amirite?

by adelinefeest 1 month ago

Nah. Sometimes I put birds on my shiny rectangle and they're enthralled for hours

by Anonymous 1 month ago

i've always wondered if those actually work

by Anonymous 1 month ago

sometimes, some cats. mine loves it when i'm busy or out for the day (i have home cameras so i'm able to see her batting at it,) but when she can get to me it doesn't exist. only her toys and pets. my brother's cat despises everything except for nerf balls. so you know.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

My car now stares at her own shiny rectangle when I play her cat tv of birds and squirrels running around

by runolfssonjulie 1 month ago

My car does too.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

My truck enjoys doing that too

by Feeling-Internet 1 month ago

My motorcycle is two tired for this

by Anonymous 1 month ago

"This guy never licks his ass, disgusting"

by Scared_Put 1 month ago

I mean, they're not wrong.

by True-Imagination 1 month ago

Exactly haha

by adelinefeest 1 month ago

Some research found the "registration rate" of dogs' vision is much higher than human - what appears like a continuous video to us might look like a powerpoint slide for them

by erunolfsson 1 month ago

Dogs can watch TV now - apparently there was a vision issue with CRT (don't fully understand it) but they can see flatscreen images. 8 year old me way back in the past just got a tingle without knowing why. Dogs watching TV is the future!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

And they would be correct

by Anonymous 1 month ago

My birds have starred at downy fluff from their own body casually float through the air like it was the biggest threat they have ever encountered. So I take this with a grain of salt.

by Minimum_Classroom 1 month ago

If aliens are real they would think the illuminated rectangles are in control of the people.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I mean, can you blame them?

by Living_Collar1952 1 month ago

My dog hates it when I pull out my phone. Like "Keep paying attention to me!"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Is that a shiny rectangle for them? It might be a small window for them?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Mine has loved the tv since he was a puppy.

by PristinePurpose7128 1 month ago