-30 The primitive idea that your existence "MUST have meaning" in order for said existence to be considered "morally acceptable" is just collectivist propaganda. amirite?

by marquardtkristo 1 month ago

Nah man, you don't get it, a lot of people have told him that his life is not "morally acceptable" if it doesn't have meaning, and all of those people are collectivists. Conservatives never tell other people that their lives are meaningless, or that their lives are "morally unacceptable," ever.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Conservatives are collectivist on many issues.

by No-Milk-9038 1 month ago

trust me a lot of people care about controlling what you do

by feeneyzaria 1 month ago

needs more buzzwords

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Ultimately. Whether or not your life has any 'meaning' at all really only matters to YOU. It's really pretty simple. In that respect, I assume you're correct.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Oh, I cringed alright

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's social media, you're always wrong and everyone's an expert.

by Destineemann 1 month ago

Ahh, forgive me everyone. I'm stupid

by Glittering-Play-7930 1 month ago

Me trying to meet the word count on my freshman philosophy paper:

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Well this was certainly an… interesting read. So I got curious and looked at your profile. I think you may have some unresolved issues with your parents you should probably look into therapy for. Like, the amount of anger coming through is a bit disconcerting.

by Exciting_Net_1108 1 month ago

bro what the hell are you on about

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's a a piece of advice to keep most people out of depression.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You are a divine life and divine existence, and even if all you did was sit and breathe and eat you would matter... Do more than that but even if you're just existing and doing nothing, you still matter.

by EndNo 1 month ago

Finding meaning and finding a reason to live are two different things. Meaning implies the need to justify your existence. To be able to say, "This is what I'm here for." While your reason to live can simply be to experience the world with the people you love. Sure, we can have a cause to fight for, but that endeavor doesn't have to be why you are alive.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's not that hard to just focus on running your own life and let people be. No means NO for a reason. 🤷🏻‍♂️

by marquardtkristo 1 month ago

The idea is primitive and stupid but I wouldn't call it collectivist. Collectivism and social conformity aren't synonymous. There are lots of people pushing individualist ideologies while demanding social conformity.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

My meaning is to play lots of video games and jack off to pornography

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It is comically stupid for people to ponder "the meaning of life", without realizing they are assuming there even IS such a meaning, other than what they themselves give it.

by tamara85 1 month ago


by marquardtkristo 1 month ago

Huh? Bro, individualism is the one with god, manifest liberty and "the great man theory" The yapping meter is of the charts

by Electrical_Dig 1 month ago

I don't really care about meaning as long as I don't feel like a depressed pos.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

bla bla

by Anonymous 1 month ago

This isn't an opinion. This is incoherent nonsense!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

People are bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You're right.

by rlesch 1 month ago

Once in a while I think about how the universe began, how something must have existed that created the universe in the first place and something must have created that something that created the universe and go into an existential crisis. How is it possible that something can just exist?

by MaleficentBlock6703 1 month ago

I think whats annoying is that when people say "I don't think life has a meaning", most people just quickly say "Why not just ‘end it' then?" Thats not how it works. You can find life meaningless but still live on just fine, by this logic, anyone who isn't nihilistic should never kill themselves but they do anyway.

by InnerAirport1782 1 month ago

This depends very much on your definition of meaningless.

by Anonymous 1 month ago