+30 A man's inbox on onlyfans is the same as a women's inbox on tinder, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Except the women could actually hook up with the people in her inbox if she wanted to.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The distinction I would make is the sexual talk is desired rather than an objectifying plague.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

what? as I said in my last sentence these arent real relationships. OF and dating apps arent where you find relationships

by Annabel78 1 month ago

Studies will show that anywhere from 30 to 40% of relationships start on apps. Other studies would say about 70% of dating app users end up in a exclusive romantic relationship

by Every_Mix5603 1 month ago

Why couldnt the man.

by Pleasant-Session-159 1 month ago

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I don't understand either reference. 😂

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It means you're not lost.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

But the woman gets hers free of charge 🤣

by Shoddy-Compote259 1 month ago

So do men. My Onlyfans inbox is ridiculously full of messages from accounts I'm not paying a dime to.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Depends on how popular they are I guess. Majority of the accounts dont have 1000 followers or more.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

the women advertise their porn on tinder as well lol they be double dipping.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

But you are paying for O fans 🤔

by Shoddy-Compote259 1 month ago

You can pay for tinder too…

by Embarrassed-Tear-624 1 month ago

O look stupid attracting stupid

by Shoddy-Compote259 1 month ago

Do you not feel kind of pathetic paying for something most dudes get for free? Unless you're rich obviously

by Sensitive-Note-5527 1 month ago

No, because sex work is work and I like to support the porn stars whose services I'm using. And also with Onlyfans I can be more confident the actress hasn't been abused because they have control over the production.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You just described capitalism, yes, people that sell you stuff are exploiting you.

by Embarrassed-Tear-624 1 month ago

people spend money on all sorts of things that someone else may not care about -- video games, legos, starbucks every day. you don't know someone's reasons, but why does it matter? it's people's money to do what they want with.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's not loneliness. Sometimes just find the chick hot and want to jack to it. There's no shame in that. People have bought and paid for porn for years. The false narrative around people who actually pays for some onlyfans accounts as lonely pathetic losers needs to change. Some are definitely like that and exploited heavily as cash cows for the creators. Others though just find some hot chicks and want to support seeing more of that.

by Upstairs-March-6424 1 month ago

Is "inbox" a euphemism here?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

what does this meaaaannnn

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Just guessing - but the inbox is full of low effort scattershot type of messages?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Why dont women watch porn? Ive always found it weird how mostly male pornstars are watched by gay men instead of women.

by Pleasant-Session-159 1 month ago

women do watch porn. just not as much porn as gay men, lol. i mean partially true and partially kidding, but...i don't think women enjoy watching solo male porn as much as guys do. but gay porn? there are decent amount of women into it for sure.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Which is still weird considering gay men are like 3% of the population and women are 51%... thats more than a 17 times ratio. Theyre some real gooners lol.

by Pleasant-Session-159 1 month ago

You could be right. It's honestly kind of vague.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I really don't get what this means

by Roykemmer 1 month ago

No a woman's inbox is filled with people she matched with and then failed to talk to. The vast majority of men don't even use only fans lmao

by WrongAd6274 1 month ago

the majority of men don't use tinder either.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I have no idea how onlyfans works. Seems you do, though...hmm..

by These-Brilliant4267 1 month ago

Really though? Is that really how it is?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'm betting it's mostly men who inbox men of OF.. so just the same amount of dick pics

by Aliza74 1 month ago