+28 Airplane Food is actually really nice, amirite?

by mandy05 1 month ago

I'll tell you one thing, I'll take airplane food over nothing, which is what you get on most flights these days

by Anonymous 1 month ago

What a sequence of sentences lol

by Primary_Piglet_8041 1 month ago

Based on a true story

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Boasting about flying in business and saying sometimes nothing is better.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I travel pretty frequently. I'll go as far to say some airplane food is decent. It's rare it's atrocious. For the most part some place in between. I agree it's better than nothing if hungry.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I love that it's always in a cute little kit setup. Like you've got your hot thing, cold side, dessert and usually a little bread roll in their own happy little compartments. Love it.

by Qbode 1 month ago

Thankyou! I strive to enjoy food the way Hayao Migazaki illustrates it. I hope your evening picks up 😊

by Qbode 1 month ago

Just like jail

by Lazy-Ad-4054 1 month ago

Never had an airplane meal I didn't like. I love microwave dinners & their little compartments too though lol

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I guess you weren't flying in the 90s and 00s. Airplane food only started to get good in the 2010s.

by tamia92 1 month ago

Whats up with that stuff

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Whats the deal with that stuff

by Anonymous 1 month ago

WHY that spider photo. I dropped my phone :(

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I never had a meal on a plane and I flew from Philly to California and back. They only do meals on international don't they?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You never got to live in the 90s, apparently. Flying was fun back then..

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I was born in 1983 and grew up pretty poor. I wasn't on a plane until 2006.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah by 2006 flying sucked. One of the biggest indignities was caused by the shoe bomber who to this day forces us to take off our shoes in security.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I flew through the US for the first time in five years in August 2023 (connected through Denver on my way back to Alberta due to a little mishap with WestJet over in the UK) and was frustrated to be reminded that you have to remove your shoes when going through US airport security.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I mean no offense to anyone but my biggest fear is getting stuck next to a fat person and having a stranger touching me for the entire flight. I'm fairly tall and 200lbs. I'm not a small man. I need my entire seat.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I freaked out one time because the lady next to me couldn't fasten her seatbelt because she was so large, and she was afraid to ask for an extender…. And the attendant never actually checked to see if her belt fastened. It was madness.

by Empty_Alternative_21 1 month ago

This literally happened to me this last flight I had, I was stuck in the middle and sitting next to a very large dude who was touching my side the entire flight it was awful

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It was a huge thing back in the 80's and 90's. You got to the airport really early and having fancy suitcases and really fancy clothes. It was a thriving experience nonetheless. Now we just got an hour early with an old backpack and wearing the closest thing to pajamas in most cases and flights. Exhausting experience to say the least. Sure planes are way safer but the whole flying experience (food included) has worsened over the years. I'm 40 and I've been flying since 1989 with my parents and I remember being such a great and fun experience. Now it's just 🫤

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Not necessarily, i guess it depends on the specific airline, country, etc. I'm not exactly sure about how it is in the US, but here in India, if you're taking a budget carrier like IndiGo, or Akasa, you're not served complementary food, and if you want anything, you buy it on the flight seperately from their menu. But in full service carriers like Air India or Vistara, you are served a complementary meal for sure, no matter the distance, even in a short 1 hour flight. Prices again don't differ much between these airlines and purely depends on your luck. Note that this is in the context of domestic flights.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah my cross country flight there was stuff you could buy like snacks maybe soda and beer too. I got overpriced fruit and cheese.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah the stuff they sell in flights is always overpriced. It's why I make it a point to either eat at home, or at least eat something filling at the airport before boarding, cuz the stuff they sell on flight isn't filling or satisfying compared to its cost.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I believe it's 5 hrs or more in business or first. I usually get a meal flying coast to coast or to Hawaii.

by Aromatic_Buy_9164 1 month ago

I love American Airlines cheese plate

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Alaska Airlines has a really good fruit and cheese plate that I think you get complementary in first class and can purchase in coach. Good quality fruit and cheese, worth purchasing.

by bogisichamira 1 month ago

The AA shortrib with mac and cheese is good too!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Not a meal but I'm obsessed with the snack mix on southwest.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Lucky you b/c it's been the same crap for 10 years.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I've been flying southwest longer than 10 years and the snack mix hasn't been around for 10 years

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Ok 7 years. They need to update.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's terrible compared to what I normally eat, but it's fine. It's food. And being 10000 feet up doesn't help anything.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Try 30,000 feet! Good point though

by StatusEnergy9804 1 month ago

Doesn't food service begin and end at 10k? 30k is just average cruising altitude

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'm no expert but not that I'm aware of. Anecdotally I've definitely been served main meals at cruising altitude mid flight

by StatusEnergy9804 1 month ago

Yep. I generally enjoy airplane food, but I wonder how I'd feel eating it on the ground with an element of choice about what to get. Being stuck in a tiny seat bored out of my mind for hours on end kinda makes me excited about anything that uses up 20 minutes or so.

by schaeferkattie 1 month ago

I live in the uk, if you offered a free meal to 100 people at a restaurant of their choice after starving them for a week you would still get complaints about the food

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Really depends on the Airline, and it's improved a lot over time. Nowadays most airlines offer food at acceptable standards.

by Affectionate_Tea8357 1 month ago

I'd have to agree. Airplane food used to be terrible. I'd even go back further to when it became at least OK. I recall being pleasantly surprised that the food wasn't so bad on an Intl flight in circa 2008 or so. Around 10 years ago I was taking a lot of international flights, and the food was always just fine. I think the reason people say this is... they're either younger people, or they just never flew in the 70s through the late 90s when airplane food was just terrible. So then they DO get on a flight, other people told them it's terrible, and they figure this must be what terrible is.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Honestly been on a lotta flights and I feel like it's like a 30% chance the food is not gonna b good. BUT I love eating the plane meals bc It's interesting to see the quality of the food and taste test !

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Airplane food is more seasoned than food on the ground. The altitude screws with ur tastes buds.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Iirc, it's not the food itself that is bad. It's your tounge and nose that are weaken in a plane, similar when you have a flu.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

In Canada, some aspects of airplane food service are mandated by federal regulators (i.e., if a flight is a certain distance/time, they're obliged to serve you a meal). As a vegetarian, I can't tell you how many times the flight attendants have gotten to my row and said "the only option is chicken — oh, didn't you check off the box that said 'vegetarian'? Oops, too bad! We don't have anything for you!" I've literally never seen a dietary restrictions box when booking my ticket — and I wouldn't care except they make such a big deal about meal service, waking people up to make sure you get your chicken quesadilla or whatever. However, one time I sat in the final row of an Air Transat flight, just ahead of the flight attendants' kitchen area, and they happily gave me as many cheese pizzas as I could stomach because no one else on the flight wanted them — and those were indeed quite good!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

With the prices of airline food today, they're probably just saying to low key flex

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'm always excited about them, even if the food is not as good, it's an activity.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I've found that it's not so much the airline as it is the city / country that it is flying out of. I've flown out of Manila on several different airlines and the food is always pretty awful regardless of the airline, whereas any airline flying out of Thailand has lovely grub.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Addendum: No food will taste "Great" when you are stuck in a cramped pressurized metal can 30 thousand feet off the ground, with the bathroom being barely big enough for an average sized adult to fit their entire bodies into. Even when airplane food is pretty good, the dread of having to expel it in the air reduces my enjoyment by 80%.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's generally less appetizing than McDonald's or my local diner. Wet, flaccid textures because it's been steam heated. Very little flavour because they cater to the lowest spice tolerance. Give me a $10 shawarma any time.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

if i had to choose between McD and SAS Airline food, i would choose SAS every time

by clemens85 1 month ago

Pleasantly surprised that the vegetable curry on my flight on Monday was actually spicy, a little heat to it!

by alexis99 1 month ago


by Efficient_Aide7747 1 month ago

Ive had some really good meals on Turkish Airlines.

by junius25 1 month ago

I've heard really good things about Turkish Airlines!

by Leschruben 1 month ago

prolly depends on the airline but like i agree it lowkey slaps sometimes

by Lowename 1 month ago

That seems like a you problem.

by AlternativeCall2479 1 month ago

Why not bring your own food if it annoys you so much

by OneNo705 1 month ago

because eating clowns isn't allowed on planes

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I used to think the same. Then Qantas started putting their meals into cardboard boxes. It's putrid and was enough to make me change airline.

by Brekkedrake 1 month ago

I agree, I've always enjoyed airplane food

by Anonymous 1 month ago

air India breakfast is better than most Indian restaurants in the us

by Old-Debt6694 1 month ago

Always enjoyed Qatar airways food

by carey87 1 month ago

Fun fact, being in a pressurized aluminum tube flying at 40,000ft just below mach 1 will affect the way you perceive taste and is why most airplane food tastes bland.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Let me put it this way: If I ate airplane food outside of an airplane I would not like it much.

by Ok-Marionberry-5207 1 month ago

The best focaccia I've ever had was on a flight oddly enough. Same with some of the best desserts.

by Past-Concentrate5982 1 month ago

I think that's because the only flights you still get served on are long, expensive flights going overseas and such.

by preston45 1 month ago

The only risotto I've ever enjoyed was on a Tui flight, and I've had real risotto in Italy twice.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You haven't flown in 10 years???

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Ohhh noo not a little bag of salted peanuts . Gross and some pretzels? Oh gooood nooooo!!! A Granola Bar !!!???!!!

by Toyberry 1 month ago

Hey man better than nothing right?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

NGL. I used to fly Cathay Pacific frequently and kind of looked forward to their food but the past few times I've flown them its kind of been lack luster. I flew Thai Airways and by god, I swear, I had one of the best Thai red curries that I've ever had to the point I feel kind of weird saying it in front of people because of the stares I'd get.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Had a wagyu steak on my last business class flight that exceeded most restaurants

by Global-Ad-4974 1 month ago

I've never minded airplane food. It helps I like foods such as cottage/shepherds pie, steamed fish and potatoes, tomato pasta, and 'scrambled' (more like steamed) eggs with potatoes and sausages.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I've had lots of so-so meals, and some pretty good ones. My highlights are a mustard mash (I can't remember if it was American or British Airways), a BA vegetable curry that was actually spicy, and AA little pots of chocolate ice cream which is really hard at first but so worth the wait when it softens.

by alexis99 1 month ago

Better than lunch at Panera Bread.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Jerry seinfeld's joke would Fall on deaf ears these days

by hillsjackson 1 month ago

I've had some bad ones lately, but it's usually fine.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah, but what is the deal with it?

by Billyhirthe 1 month ago

Someone is not picky about quality or has only flown first class I See:p as someone who flies up around 8 to 15 times a year, the food is meh at best. the one time I went first class it wasnt bad but heck Icould make better food at home

by AdLife 1 month ago

Never had a meal on a plane. So I just don't know

by glang 1 month ago

I fly emirates while travelling from home to US. Yes, plane food is amazing there.

by Zacherytillman 1 month ago

Same. The only time I had bad airplane food was when I was 5, which was 12 years ago

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Popular opinion alert!

by Afraid-Play1278 1 month ago

International flights have the BEST food.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I never had a big issue with them.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Truth be told, I have always liked airplane food. I remember as a kid/teen how fun it was to have so many different things on the tray to open. From cutlery to rolls and butter and fruit cups and desserts and main courses and so on. The food isn't the same as it was back when I was a kid, but I still get a kick out of eating a meal on a plane.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You must be very young if you don't know what it used to be like 30 years ago. It was leaps and bounds better than anything available now.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Speak for yourself, I flew to London from Amsterdam and got a mini-cheese sandwich. Literally 1 slice of bread folded in half.

by Humble-Oven7972 1 month ago

It can taste good, but its probably the most chemical nasty food you can eat. Well, unless you're american, that's just your average.

by Anonymous 1 month ago