Walmart, Target and other big box stores should remove all their electric shopping carts. amirite?
by Pleasant-Narwhal-1198 months ago
What if they want to browse the wares in the store? I think Walmart makes more money by having people buy more than what they intended to buy.
by Anonymous8 months ago
Do you genuinely think the environmental impact of electric shopping carts is big enough to make any sort of difference?
by weissnatmallory8 months ago
Definitely an unpopular opinion. I take my disabled 78 year old oxygen dependent mother for outings thanks in large part to those carts. Gives her the chance to get out of the house and do more of what she used to be able to do on her own and just be out in the world. Used appropriately, they really are a public service.
by reginald368 months ago
Shopping isn't about a means to an end. Shopping is fun and THE activity and it should be accessible to all!
by Anonymous8 months ago
Obviously, there are people with disabilities so severe that they can't shop, even with the assistance of a cart. But seriously, this isn't all or even most. Plus, lots of people don't mind going to the store because it gives them something to do. We could afford to have our groceries delivered, but I feel that's it's wasteful and I like going to get them myself.
by Abject-Impact-39308 months ago
They can't. There's the small "problem," better known as the Americans with Disabilities Act, that requires stores to provide access to their physical store for all. Not necessarily having actual scooters per se, but requiring physically disabled people to only utilize curbside pick up would lead to all sorts of legal entanglement. Also...many physically disabled people can't drive. Regional Transit companies have to provide point-to-point shuttles for disabled people to get from their homes to places like doctors' offices, grocery stores, etc.
by Tall_Ad8 months ago
My god man, think of the overweight lazy fat people!
by Anonymous8 months ago
Or the teenagers who have nothing better to do than run around with those things and try to be a menace to society
by Anonymous 8 months ago
by weissnatmallory 8 months ago
by reginald36 8 months ago
by Anonymous 8 months ago
by Abject-Impact-3930 8 months ago
by Tall_Ad 8 months ago
by Anonymous 8 months ago
by Pleasant-Narwhal-119 8 months ago