+42 "Don't burn your bridges" can be bad life advice, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

For me it was more "be careful which bridges you burn"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I always took it to imply that one never knows if a burned bridge was useful until they get back to a place where they need it. Life is crazy and it's a small world. One random, positive opinion of you could change your whole life behind the scenes, and you'd probably never even realize it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's one of those things where there's likely more harm than good. Plus honestly, in my experience, I rarely think of those people anymore once I leave the place.

by Dry-Lack-8057 1 month ago

Cutting ties is not the same as burning bridges.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

"Don't burn your bridges" mfw the Swiss only recently took out the explosives from the bridges that connect their country to the outside world.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I like to burn bridges with jobs because I'll get these rosey glasses on about how I remember they used to be when I left them for a damn reason.

by Exotic_Detail_2600 1 month ago

I don't try to burn bridges, but if a friend of ten years decides to light the match I'll pour on the gasoline

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Anything dialed up to the extreme can be bad. I am definitely the kind of person who doesn't want to burn bridges no matter worse. Yes, ther have been situations when it would have been better to indeed burn these bridges, but overall I am happy with this "rule" that is so integrated into my brain that it's just instinct to me at this point.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I've not only burned some bridges, I've blown them up. Absolutely no repairing them.

by mack32 1 month ago

Y'know, you don't have to burn bridges. You can just... not use them.

by ullrichaurelia 1 month ago

Nefarious take

by Dallasstehr 1 month ago

that's a pretty dumb take

by Anonymous 1 month ago