Movie critics are completely useless. amirite?
by Winfield944 months ago
Their job is to give readers, listeners or viewers an idea of whether a movie is good I actually don't want them to give us an idea if a movie is likable or not. Instead I want them to talk about why certain dialogues are bad and how it doesn't progress the stories. I want them to point out about plot holes. I want them to talk about how certain shot is amazing. I actually want them to talk about things that we don't normally know. I want them to have a different opinion than average movie goers and provide specifics why a movie is bad. But definitely agree they are doing a very bad jobs. Their opinion provide zero value.
by Anonymous4 months ago
Stuff like plot holes is more movie discussion rather than reviewing. You obviously don't want to give away spoilers in reviews because then you're giving away the movie before they've seen it. Then again trailers these days can be awful, but that's another matter.
by haskell974 months ago
TIL that critics need to forecast the people tastes lol!
by Gusikowskijosef4 months ago
Yeah, that's exactly their job. It's not a lol, it's the entire point. Marketing is exactly that too. They have to understand the likes, dislikes and general tastes of the market so that the company can advertise most effectively.
by haskell974 months ago
They don't have to, not their job and critics don't have that part in marketing, the job of critics is to analyse and point out common characteristics in the art language that they are criticising, they tell you if a movie is well directed and filmed, they don't tell you if you will like the movie. Movies and any other form of art.
by Gusikowskijosef4 months ago
Their job is to assess the film critically. How can they possibly be expected to know what you like when they don't know you? You have to know what they like and then you can decide whether to trust their judgement or not.
by Anonymous4 months ago
We are not talking about personal preferences, critics just criticise an opera in reference to other works in the same category and the language developed by that form of art. For example, I can review a platform game and tell you that the levels are too long and complex and that is in reference to other platform games and the characteristics of the language of platform games, that game could be an incredible success globally and maybe your favourite game but nonetheless in reference to the language of that type of form of art the levels are too long. I simplified a bit, but that the gist of it. Critics jobs is not to tell you what you would like or not, never was and never will be.
by Gusikowskijosef4 months ago
You're explaining what they do but not why. They're there to give the general audience an idea if it's good or not. You're just explaining the means in which they do that.
by haskell974 months ago
Reviewers are not critics.
by Gusikowskijosef4 months ago
what an extraordinary opinion to have
by Anonymous4 months ago
Expecting people reviewing something to give you an idea if it's good or not is extraordinary?
by haskell974 months ago
That's a good point, otherwise, what's the point?
by Anonymous4 months ago
They are just trying to save you time and money.
by Anonymous4 months ago
Most movies today are work of crap. It's never been that easy to waste your time and money.
by BeautifulAfter4 months ago
People just need to read and understand what they are reading, also being insecure on the complexity of what you are reading and reflect that in thinking that critics want to convince you that they are more qualified is more of a you problem.
by Gusikowskijosef4 months ago
A critic is useless IF you don't know that critic well enough.
by wisozkgodfrey4 months ago
First, a bad review can still compel you to try the thing, if it addresses stuff that you don't care about and reassures you about doubts. There are way too many stuff being released, even if you stick to one medium (movies, books, video games, board games...), you need some way to cut through the noise. So I do think in this day and age you need critics as that filter. Now a random review is just another voice towards the consensus and doesn't matter to much, the real value of a critic comes when you've followed them for a while and see your tastes align enough that their review is more likely to hold water for you.
by ehickle4 months ago
Not just movie critics, all types of critics are useless. The only opinion a person should care a bout, when it comes to movies is your own.
by Rashadcarter4 months ago
The point of a critic is to have a filter so you don't have to spend the time and money on every single movie ever in order to have your own opinion. If it's a movie you KNOW you are going to see regardless, don't even read/watch a review. If you are on the fence, look at see what the critics are saying, it might save you time and money.
by Anonymous4 months ago
There is no assumption that people cannot do multiple things at the same time. Those that can neither do nor teach, criticise. as in: critics only criticize because they cannot do nor teach The whole notion is flawed. There are numerous critics who have dedicated their lives to consuming media and analyzing it. Just because they decided to become a critic doesn't mean that they originally had the ambition of becoming a writer / marker / producer.
by Anonymous4 months ago
If you are really offended by the use of big words, then that's your problem. There's nothing wrong with having a large vocabulary
by Correct-Pen-30654 months ago
There kinda is, because it is annoying. I find it funny that every group seem to develop their own language, so to speak. As you might have heard the term "corporate speak" before. Same with movie critics, they start to form this kind of thing too. And it gets annoying, because then you need to learn their "code", or you have to use the words they use, or you are not seen as legitimate anymore. Similarly you need to learn the bs "corpo speak" if you want to appear professional to them. It becomes the norm, and the expected. In itself there is nothing wrong with it, but it gets really tiring and annoying when it engulfs all and gives no alternative.
by Generalwilderma4 months ago
Im not sure who reads the critic score anymore anyway.
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by haskell97 4 months ago
by Gusikowskijosef 4 months ago
by haskell97 4 months ago
by Gusikowskijosef 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Gusikowskijosef 4 months ago
by haskell97 4 months ago
by Gusikowskijosef 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by haskell97 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by BeautifulAfter 4 months ago
by Gusikowskijosef 4 months ago
by wisozkgodfrey 4 months ago
by ehickle 4 months ago
by Rashadcarter 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Correct-Pen-3065 4 months ago
by Generalwilderma 4 months ago
by graciela47 4 months ago
by BeautifulAfter 4 months ago
by Gerholdleda 4 months ago