-19 Experienced food critics are useless, amirite?

by Everardo43 1 month ago

Any food critic that doesn't finish the food that they order shouldn't be taken seriously.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Food critics want me to believe that steak is good food. They are all idiots.

by SuspiciousBrick 1 month ago

If done well steak can be nice but food critics treat it like it's one of the only good foods on the planet

by Everardo43 1 month ago

That's the problem. Well done steak isn't good. /s

by eschroeder 1 month ago

Some people like it which is fine i just personally prefer medium rare

by Everardo43 1 month ago

The way people behave about how one should cook their steaks is idiotic. Eat what you like, it's your damn life. Close minded idiots, that's for sure.

by kozeymadilyn 1 month ago

Critics of any kind are useless. Make up your own mind based on your own experiences

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Just because you review premium brands as part of your job, it doesn't follow that you can no longer recognise decent food at budget or mid-tier restaurants. Do you apply this logic to other sectors? Do you get puzzled about why smartphone reviewers aren't lambasting budget phones for not having wireless charging? Do you think car reviewers forget the average person wants something reliable with good fuel economy because they've got behind a few thirsty BMWs in their career?

by euna58 1 month ago