+35 People are too quick to blame executives for every decision they dislike in movies/shows/games, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

It's because people think of writers or directors as innocent artists who can make no bad decisions because they're just in it to make an amazing piece of art. And the evil corporate executives are solely in it for profit. Nevermind that many executives are former directors and just as capable of and enthusiastic about making artistic decisions themselves. We're all aware of plenty of movies that have been worsened due to corporate restrictions. But we'll never know how many movies were made better because of executive decisions.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Executives get thrown under the bus quicker than a squirrel crossing the road. It's like fans have a direct line to the boardroom gossip. Maybe, just maybe, creators can miss the mark all on their own. But nah, let's blame the bigwigs for every flop. Gotta love that pitchfork mentality, right?

by Leslyfeeney 4 months ago