-26 Saying "we're pregnant" is weird, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I've never like the "we're pregnant " phrase, personally. "We're having a baby" is more accurate, in my opinion.

by Shayna62 1 month ago


by Agitated_Car 1 month ago

I had this conversation with my husband when I first got pregnant. In his head, all of those sentences meant the same thing: we're gonna have a baby. But I pointed out that saying "we're pregnant" refers to the physical condition which only I had. He understood and changed the way he told people. Easy peasy.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I went with I'm going to be a father. Course don't know what I'll do if I have another.

by Subject_Spread9613 1 month ago

I agree—"we're having a baby" is the way to go.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

God damn this is impressive levels of pedantic.

by Glum_Independent 1 month ago

Fair enough. 😊

by Shayna62 1 month ago

Honestly it's far better to use ‘we're expecting'

by LowerAcadia 1 month ago

Look I've expected a lot of things and like none of them happened

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The phrasing is a little odd yes. But Stolen Valor? I don't think the dude is pretending he's pregnant lol

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I might not appreciate him for stealing the valor, but I admire him for having big goals and not giving up. Dream big, champ.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Depending on his attitude about it, I can see it getting close to "stolen valor", especially if it's "I did got her pregnant" while also not being there for her. But like. Usually no. It's just kinda weird.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's pretty much the same as sports fans saying "we won"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Sport fans are the main reason the sport is even around still and broadcasted for millions to see. Without fans no revenue, no revenue no sport. So yes the fans in a sense do help.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Well than it's the same for "were pregnant". No sperm, no baby, so that obviously means that the man gets to say that he's pregnant to, even if he's not carrying any of the burden.

by bartellmaxwell 1 month ago

I mean have you lived with a pregnant woman? It's not exactly peaches and cream for the man either.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Well a woman can't get pregnant without a man lol For the record I think it's weird to say though

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Also the reason a City or College or University name is given to the Teams we are fans of and go to see, support and cheer for.

by Crazy_Commission_195 1 month ago

Without the father no baby

by Simple-Method7360 1 month ago

I agree. This analogy is perfect.

by BenefitStreet7624 1 month ago

It's really not. The father actively contributed something to the pregnancy, a sports fan passively watched the game.

by Miserable_Energy_828 1 month ago

I mean you could argue that the sports fans generate revenue as their contribution

by These-Income 1 month ago

I'm a competitive athlete, so I know how important fans' support is. But the analogy is still not perfect. If we want to keep it with sports, the father's role in the whole "act" of being pregnant is closer to someone's from the team staff than to a fan's.

by Miserable_Energy_828 1 month ago

I wasn't that serious about it just kinda decided to be pendantic about it, but it really isn't that fitting for an analogy

by These-Income 1 month ago

This reminded me of drake parading with the raptors acting like he's the centre

by cassinhalie 1 month ago

I agree with this whole heartedly lmao. I also don't like "we're trying" because that is just saying rawdog central

by Prestonbeatty 1 month ago

"We have been trying SO HARD, you have no idea!"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

"in fact, we're trying right now!"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

*alarm goes off. "Excuse us a moment…."

by Anonymous 1 month ago

"hey, cousin rob? wanna join?"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

For real it's so weird when people say we're trying it's like tell me when your actually pregnant I don't need to know your raw dogging it

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Unprompted? Weird. But people asking "when are you having kids" is an inappropriate question in and of itself and asked literally all the time. A visual, truthful answer is totally justified. They shouldn't ask if they don't want to know.

by Karinaframi 1 month ago

Couples also don't usually share that they're trying until they're reasonably certain they can. That may involve fertility treatments and maybe some very difficult times. Being immature about them sharing that major life decision, and possibly being very vulnerable with you if there were issues, with you doesn't generally help your friendship nor your perception as a mature adult friend.

by Warm-Double2516 1 month ago

Okay yeah. Weird for adults to tell kids that they're trying.

by Clean_Rhubarb3696 1 month ago

Variations on "We're trying" is a great way to shut people up who are pressuring you to get pregnant (ie in laws) "Well we tried twice on Monday and once this morning!"

by Cruickshankmall 1 month ago

I can see your wife going "uhmm... I guess I can see what you mean..."

by Expert_Spinach8913 1 month ago

With the eye roll, because she didn't wanna get into it with him

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Lol pretty much.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I feel that the scope of general understanding of language is continuously shrinking, we will come to a time where if you don't talk literally no one will understand you.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You're just confirming my point...

by Anonymous 1 month ago

No, I'm saying it's a poor phrase. People understand what you're meaning when you say it - but you're saying people don't understand it. That's not what I said. Do you not understand language? People can understand a phrase and still think it is a poor use of language that doesn't describe something well and instead muddies the language.

by Green-Substance-4141 1 month ago

"We're going to have a baby", but no "we" aren't pregnant. I believe people are just trying to get others to realize there is some responsibility for the nonpregnant partner. Being pregnant should be seen as a medical event vs expecting the lady to be as functional as she previously was before pregnancy. The other partner will need to put in some effort while she is sick as a dog and/or exhausted making another life. This encourages them to take on some of the burden. I agree though, it is odd phrasing…

by reagan75 1 month ago

We're in this together, OP. When you're in the worst parts of your labor, I'm right there squeezing your hand, saying: "Hurry up, I gotta get home in time for the game"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

No, being pedantic about phrasing is the better thing!

by Warm-Double2516 1 month ago

Helps the pains!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I think it's weird as well

by jovan20 1 month ago

Yeah like saying we're pregnant is strange I think we're having a baby is more appropriate

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Tons of couples consider themselves as one entity. So it does make sense, especially some women have supportive husbands who do a lot during their pregnancy to help out and support them. Words are powerful and a man saying that shows that he is willing to do what it takes for his wife.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yep. It may be poor phrasing but generally men who say it are the ones who are most excited and invested in the pregnancy and do the most to support their wives because they recognize they may not be able to carry the baby but there's still a ton they can do.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's definitely weird. I'm one of those supportive partners who's probably too attached and the very idea of saying something like that is mortifying. The woman is actually experiencing the pregnancy and everything that goes with it and as supportive as I am it's nowhere near the same realm of difficult.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I think it's more depending on the couple, if that's how they want to announce it is there really anything wrong with it? Like couples who choose to keep finances separate or have them as one. It's a couples choice, no?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

No, it just shows that he wants to pretend like his role in the pregnancy is just as important as hers.

by Left-Test-4797 1 month ago

Now that's a large assumption. I think almost all men can agree our parts are very minimal. Especially after conception, but the only way to be truly helpful during the pregnancy is to support your partner.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Oh yea, there's of course the small factors and stuff as well. My wife and I have an account for bills and the kids and then our personal accounts but we are fully open with money and that's just what works best for us. That's what a relationship is about, and letting others outside views or opinions in just isn't the play.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I can't stand "we're pregnant" either.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

What's even weirder is saying you're trying reeeeeaaalllyy hard to get pregnant !!

by Jacemertz 1 month ago

It's really cringe tbh

by pfannerstilljet 1 month ago

I mean I agree I feel like it makes more sense to say "we are having a baby" or "we're expecting"

by Ila22 1 month ago

I would say we are expecting or we're having a baby.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Exactly, is that too difficult to say?

by Top-Presentation3293 1 month ago

Can he say it if he gets sympathetic symptoms? ;) In all seriousness, yea, "we're pregnant" sounds strange when only one person is. "We're expecting a baby" seems more normal to my ears these days.

by Darren58 1 month ago

I heard someone say "we're pregnant" because HIS dog is pregnant. This was yesterday. I'm still processing.

by Maleficent-Wing 1 month ago

Lol that's another level.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

"We're trying…"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I agree. Weird for it to be a "we" condition. In medical charts, only the women is listed as pregnant.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You're partly responsible for her pregnancy, and it is a shared experience in many ways.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

then ‘we're expecting' makes more sense, cause of the shared aspect

by Anonymous 1 month ago

But it is still her pregnancy and she is the one who is pregnant. The man can walk out the door at any time. His being a part of the "we" is voluntary during the pregnancy. It's a stupid phrase.

by Green-Substance-4141 1 month ago

Untill the man experiences all the negativities during and after pregnancy, he should not say 'we are pregnant'. We are not. I am. I am the one who is dealing with all the side-effects and body changes and medication and doctor visits and life-threathening risks. Not him.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

… that's not remotely what the phrases implies lmao. It has nothing to do with not walking out.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I agree, it's a ridiculous term.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yea it is weird. It's... She is pregnant. And he got her pregnant. We are having a baby.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Ehhhhh. Idk my girl and I have discussed it and I used to think exactly like you. She shared that she would feel like she's going through the whole thing alone if I said that a lot. If I constantly said SHE was pregnant, it would feel like she is the one bearing all the responsibility and that I'm sort of absolving myself of any of it. She understands what it means and admits it might be a bit of a stretch and it only applies if I only said that she was pregnant. Tbh it's not much of an issue and definitley not a deal breaker but it's a little less clear imo.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't believe for a minute any guy who said "my wife is pregnant" is going to get criticized for not claiming the pregnancy for himself 😂

by DenseManagement5702 1 month ago

Absolutely weird, and uncalled-for.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Caring about something as silly and minor as this is weird. Referring to it like stolen valor is wild. "We're pregnant" is just a different way of saying "We're having a baby" thing is you don't always know that you're going to have a baby just because you're pregnant.

by leopoldoschmitt 1 month ago

Right?! Can't the dad just be excited and use whatever phrase? Why do we have to knock him for recognizing he's part of the process? There is a TON men can do during pregnancy to make things easier and healthier for the mom so they 100% should see this a journey for them too so they recognize how much hard work they ought to be putting in.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If the guy can say "we're pregnant", it should also follow that he should be able to say "I'm pregnant".

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I happen to agree on this one; it's odd I think I might sort of understand where it came from, but it still sounds odd.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If I ever have kids were gonna say "Got a bun in the oven". I want that one to come back lol.

by National_Lion1152 1 month ago

Yeah ... that always struck me as weird, too. The man is hardly doing the heavy lifting here

by schinnermacey 1 month ago

Technically, the mother is gestating (the biological process) while pregnancy refers to the period in which the gestation occurs, so to speak. Or at least I think this is what it's colloquially used to imply.

by New_Mobile 1 month ago

"Falling pregnant" is also weird. Like, you're not sick.

by PopZealousideal 1 month ago

"It's not her nausea—it's OUR nausea…" "And now it's MY nausea."

by mbruen 1 month ago

Before my partner was pregnant, she would always argue that's 'the way it is' and 'how people say it' (she's an office culture lady). My argument was always that it's physically impossible for a bloke to be pregnant. Anyway fast forward to when she was pregnant and she (rather out of the blue) told me I was right. She was definitely the one pregnant and not me. Personally I think it's stupid. 'We are expecting a baby' would be more accurate imho

by Anonymous 1 month ago

i used to be in the hospital a lot as a kid because of my disease and whenever my mom would talk to people she would say "we were admitted" or "we're in the hospital" or "we're doing chemo rn" like no, it's just me you can actually go whenever you want and you're not getting chemo.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Sorry you went through all that.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I think it's weird as well. All I can think is, "let's be real buddy, your wife/gf is doing all the work here…"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Stolen valor is quite an exaggeration. The man isn't pretending to be pregnant.

by DryBlacksmith8775 1 month ago

I would like to hear from OP's wife on how many times he helped changed diapers at 3:20 am and said "no sweetie, you made the kid, I got this diaper change, get some rest."

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I've always found it kind of a weird use of language but I recognize that language is fluid and ever evolving so I just go with it. I think people do it as a way of including the dad in the pregnancy process. Even though he won't go through the physical discomfort, he will go through a lot as he supports his partner through the pregnancy and birth.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't disagree.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

This is absolutely the correct opinion.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That's between you and your partner. If another couple decides that's how they wanna announce it then so be it

by Anonymous 1 month ago

who cares? you know what they mean when they say it. idk i think father's who say this are typically super excited for their baby to come and it's sweet. sure she's carrying it which is something to show for, but everyone already knows it's only 1 partner who is pregnant 🤷🏼‍♀️

by Anonymous 1 month ago

This bugs me too dunno why

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's like a sports fan saying, "We Won" or We beat so and so..." No you didn't, the team you like did. You didn't really contribute anything to it outside of being a fan.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah to me, saying "we're pregnant" is just a shorter way of saying "pregnancy is a thing that is currently occurring in our relationship". Of course the woman takes on most of the burden during pregnancy, but it is still a shared experience for the couple that they are navigating together.

by Kublucienne 1 month ago

I'm so impressed by how sensitive you are ❄️

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Its the hormones from the pregnancy

by Anonymous 1 month ago

So many people are focusing on the wrong thing. Instead of being happy for the couple, most of you are going, "Well akshually..."

by Langoshtaryn 1 month ago

If someone said this about their own pregnancy I would never try to correct them. If that's what works for them, fine. Not my business. If someone said it to ME about MY pregnancy I would probably say something though.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

A couple worked together to produce a baby inside the woman's body and you have an issue with a couple using the we term.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I mean, as far as the work that goes into bringing a baby into the world, the father gets a WAY better deal.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

What did the father do at conception other than come?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Agreed. Has any guy ever said this?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

To me, yes , several referred to "you two" being pregnant.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Two things: 1) I meant has any guy used the phrase "we're pregnant" to describe him and his gf/wife? I feel like it's always women. 2) My response to someone saying "I heard you're pregnant!" to me would be "well, mostly her."

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I just replied "my uterus is busted so it's just her". Response was just "…what"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Followed up by the classic "after birth" picture where it looks like the dad gave birth and not the mom

by Othohansen 1 month ago

Yeah, there are a lot of other phrases that definitely include dad and make it sound like a combined effort. We're expecting! We're having a baby! We're going to be parents! Like I'm not going to tell a pregnant person that they're wrong for using it, but I would absolutely hate it if my partner used that phrase. Honestly it's probably just best to follow the pregnant person's lead because everyone is going to be different.

by Responsible_Owl 1 month ago

We ejaculated semen into our vagina and now a foetus in gestating in our uterus.

by EarlyDog7674 1 month ago

As a woman who has zero desire to ever be pregnant, I also find this very strange. I think it comes down to the fact that the man could leave tomorrow and the woman would still be pregnant. The reverse, not so much.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I agree. My husband has always said "CanadianMuaxo is pregnant" or "We are expecting!". It makes zero sense to say "we" lol

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's problematic to me too but for a very different reason

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah. It is like my wife saying "We have heart disease." No, she's fine. Only I do.

by elischuster 1 month ago

Way too much gatekeeping here. Just congratulate and move on. It's not about you.

by Difficult_Switch3184 1 month ago

It seems more tactful than "My wife is pregnant because I blew a load in her. Not anybody else, me. I did it."

by oreillybuster 1 month ago

The mother is pregnant with a baby. The father is pregnant with emotion.

by Repulsive_Fig_1815 1 month ago

Don't overthink it

by Zariaspencer 1 month ago

….. …. Im going to overthink it

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Not something I would day personally cause it sounds weird to me... But I really feel like you're downplaying the role of fathers during pregnancy and I don't like that.

by Gloomy_Ad9062 1 month ago

Stolen valor is def a way to put it 😂

by Cheap_Information335 1 month ago

We're Venom is far better

by WinterTumbleweed728 1 month ago

I agree this is a huge pet peeve of mine.

by Limp_Spite5942 1 month ago

Agreed it is weird. Biological Human Men cannot be impregnated.

by Born_Raisin_5577 1 month ago

"we are the Flash"

by rydermante 1 month ago

Why do people care about this so much? You don't need to use exact wording all of the time

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yes it makes me roll my eyes. No you're the expecting dad. I also hate bun in the oven. It's not bread. And women aren't oven. Gross

by Ulangosh 1 month ago

God forbid men and women work together and acknowledge that it takes 2 people to make a baby.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Coming inside a woman doesn't take effort dude …

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yet the following 9 months of support takes a ton of effort.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

He's still not pregnant, she is.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

But he SHOULD be doing work, it shouldn't be all on her. There so much work to be done to prepare for a baby and to support to the mother. I'd rather someone use awkward phrasing if it means he recognizes all the hard work he needs to put in for the next months and beyond.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'm pretty sure this is a popular opinion. Most people don't say this.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

People said it to me all the time. It was really weird

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Most people say "We're expecting".

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't think it's that weird.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Fair enough have a nice day

by Anonymous 1 month ago

There is no "we" in pregnant. "We" are expecting a baby. My wife is pregnant with our child, whatever … men don't get pregnant. Biological fact.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You like "we are having a baby" but "we're pregnant" is too much of a leap? Having a baby is synonymous with pregnant. It's the same phrase

by Anonymous 1 month ago