+14 I like my 9-5 office job, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't get the hatred for 9-5 office jobs, that's just the normal way to work and the way most jobs are structured.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'm sure some day I'll be able to appreciate an office job, but not right now. That'll probably be my move when I'm sick of welding.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

My back hurts sitting all day

by Suspicious_Fee 1 month ago

Gotta make sure you move around and get your stretching in. It'll make massive improvements.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I suppose this depends on the job, but I like that I can get up and take a quick walk around the office, go up and down the stairs, and then come back to my work. All my previous jobs were more physically demanding and depended on constant work. I could very rarely sit down to take a break.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Same! I love my 9-5 plus it's wfh! Win win!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Work to live, not live to work.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

After grinding away in the service industry for years, I agree. At least at my office job I have health, dental, a 401k and PTO. 🤷🏼‍♀️

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Agree. 9-5 gives me peace of mind of a paycheck. Plus it does fund any side business I want to do or just hobbies.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Same. I was welding in a shop before my current job. It was great but offered no flexibility. Now I can pretty well do whatever I want. I can bring my computer home and work from there, I can show up late for whatever reason, I can leave early to make sure I get to my sons soccer games. I don't have a set lunch schedule or even a time limit. I can step out for whatever reason I need. Obviously you can't abuse it, but my boss never asks any questions. For the most part my job is stress free. I do have people relying me, so I have to work in a timely manner, but so long as my job is done quick and well, all is good.

by Anonymous 1 month ago