-31 I think kids should move out when they are 18, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

In this economy?

by AnyFuel 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

Society tells us to kick out kids at 18. People shouldn't listen to societies rules. The leaders who make societies rules like their sheep tame. Few 18yo aren't ready to live on their own. And parents paying for their 18yo to live somewhere else isn't teaching responsibility or haw to adult.

by DangerousEstimate530 3 months ago

They aren't ready cause parents don't parent. They hold hands and give their children excuses.

by Prudent_Upstairs8194 3 months ago

That doesn't mean children should be punished for their parents failure

by DangerousEstimate530 3 months ago

I don't know if that opinion is that unpopular but it definitely is a stupid one.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

There's nothing uncivil about calling an opinion stupid.

by Yolanda97 3 months ago

Sure, you start paying them enough and drop the price of housing and maybe they'd do it more. Until then, not everyone can have daddy pay for them to live alone on the other side of the country as a fun experience

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Easy to say when you can afford to live on your own.

by bauchglen 3 months ago

Kids can learn all those essential life skills without needing to constantly worry about making enough to keep a roof over their head.

by Walshasha 3 months ago

And go where? I don't think you're considering infrastructure and how environmentally better it is for people to live together

by Yolanda97 3 months ago

They should live together…with people their own age

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Most people don't :)

by Anonymous 3 months ago

We have limited with time our loved ones on this earth. Economic reasons aisde (It is not possible for most people to afford it), when you move out, your interactions with your family grind to a halt. It becomes more difficult to stay in touch.

by Vergie22 3 months ago

also forcing someone to suddenly live alone for no reason is really not the best thing for the mental health. it's like oh, you're a legal adult now? i guess it's a lonely life in a studio apartment for you now! no more family movie nights or just random conversations in the kitchen with your mom or the familiarity of your room... gotta pack those bags and be alone whenever you're at home, that's gonna work out flawlessly!

by Heavy_Serve 3 months ago

that's not "moving out". i lived "on my own" with roommates during uni and it still didn't mean i "moved out". i still had my room at my mom's place and i returned there when my uni years ended because i don't have a family of my own and there is no reason to waste money on rent just to live alone. living somewhere temporarily for a specific purpose is not "moving out". and if your opinion includes not returning home after uni then the fact that you don't mean "live alone immediately" is irrelevant. it's still forcing people to live alone just a couple years later - not everyone makes friends good enough they want to live with them. also, not everyone goes to uni. what should a person like that do? move in with total strangers? your entire premise is faulty because it hinges on the assumption that every 18yo will go to uni and live in dorms where they will be able to form such strong friendships in two years that they'll be willing to live with those people. where i live a lot of people don't live in dorms during uni because it's either in their city or close enough to commute so they continue living at home. dorms are only available if the daily commute exceeds certain distance. plenty of people don't go to uni right after hs because they want to work and save up some money first. should they be forced to pay insane rent somewhere just to say they moved out at 18? also, due to how school system works here, some people finish hs at 20, like i did. should people like me be forced to move out at 18 anyway? also also, 18 is not the universal age of legal adulthood. so why 18?

by Heavy_Serve 3 months ago

I know plenty of Canadians who lived with their parents during university…

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Well, the idea is you need your overpriced university education so you can work an underpaid entry position in your chosen field, and it's difficult to likely live as a full time student with an overpriced apartment and an underpaying job....see what's happening

by greenlangworth 3 months ago

I'd have loved to move out when I was 18, but unfortunately with the current economy, it's highly unlikely an 18 year old would be able to afford it

by ritchieglennie 3 months ago

Have you seen the price of rent lately?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It's not that your opinion is unpopular, it's that it severely lacks explanation. I would call it low effort personally

by Yolanda97 3 months ago

i moved my ass OUT at 17 but as soon as i lost my job at 25 i moved it back IN again for a few months. home should always be home.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

fun fact: cultures where it's normal and accepted for adult children to live at home until they start a family of their own still produce functioning adults who are capable of taking care of themselves.

by Heavy_Serve 3 months ago

Why 18 though?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Gotcha. That said, I kind of agree with you

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago