-43 Boneless wings are far superior to tradition wings. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

They're not chicken nuggets either, they're chunks of breaded tenderloins.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It's nerdy to know what you're putting in your mouth??? I would hope you all know what you eat before you eat it.

by Deep-Statement-5091 3 months ago

Chicky tendies. With choccy milk.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You need help. Your mother and I are worried sick.

by Blandaella 3 months ago


by Anonymous 3 months ago

Wings aren't expensive if you make them at home. Just coat with what you want (I typically do olive oil, garlic, fresh parm, lemon, red pepper flakes), and then you just coat them with corn starch for crispness. Cook at 400 for 40-45 mins. Broil em for a few if they need more crisp. Better than most wings I have at store. I made them for the presidential debate with fresh fries

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Home wings are good, but a solid local spot that knows what they're doing can make wings that I can't even think of how to do, and I'm a pretty skilled cook. Whether it's flash frying or getting the sauce just right, some places work magic. Downside is, it feels like you're paying $2+/wing if you're getting good bone-in wings. Hell, even good boneless at a good spot costs close to that as well.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

🙄 You're welcome to them. I'll take the juicier wing meat with the flavorful fat and skin. Enjoy.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

jokes on you the juicy meat gives me sensory issues

by Dry-Distance 3 months ago

No joke; you're welcome to your preference.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Right?? Juicy to me just reads as 'too wet' or 'slimy'

by Suitable_Walrus9730 3 months ago

I don't mind a boneless wing when in a hurry, or if I don't want to get messy, but the flavor of a bone in wing is far superior. And they are far from difficult to eat... lol

by Efficient-Copy-3595 3 months ago

Sure wings are more of a hassle, but they also taste way better so I'll take the wings please

by Anonymous 3 months ago

regular wings taste the same to me but are more of a sensory nightmare in every way than boneless wings

by Anonymous 3 months ago

He might even be comparing wings to wings

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I mean it's wings vs breast.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Boneless wings are (or should be) breaded tenderloin, not mixed processed chicken parts.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You got him, boneless chicken wings are lab created and are from animals that don't exist.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

They're not because it's a total different type of chicken meat. If boneless wings were actually deboned wings, sure I would good with that, but mechanically separated chicken slime + soy and a binding agent isn't wing meat!

by Shot-Trifle8345 3 months ago

We aren't talking about McDonald's nuggets here, boneless wings are just chopped up and breaded chicken tenderloins. Don't strawman.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yah, if a place serves me a McNugget Clone as wings, I'm not going back. And I've had that happen before.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Boneless is just a more consistent sauce-delivery system. Good traditional wings are superior... but it's a lot more work to get it right and there's way more bad wings out there than good ones. Especially these days.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

chicken wings most overrated food 2 bacon

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Chicken wings where great when they where like 25-50 cents a wing. Now that they are a dollar or more they aren't worth it.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Meat without any bones is less of a hassle that meat with chicken bones.

by TennisOk 3 months ago

Right, so you like nuggets and not wings. What I find particularly hilarious is how many boneless "wings" brands advertise that they made with "100% pure breast meat." If you don't like wings, that'd fine. But don't pretend that nuggets are the same as wings. This isn't an unpopular opinion; you're just wrong.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

If you remove the bone from a wing doesn't that make it a boneless wing ?( not saying that's the case normally when boneless wing are served )

by Anonymous 3 months ago

The wing is a part of the animal with skin and added flavor of being on the bone. While there can be deboned wing meat it would still not be a "chicken wing" without the other parts.

by hildegard34 3 months ago

So if I was to remove the bone and stuff the wing it's no longer a wing?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

it's wing meat, not a wing.

by hildegard34 3 months ago

Nope it's still a chicken wing my dude. It's just stuffed. Your not going to win this argument. I'm speaking from experience not just out my ass.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Show me a picture of a chicken wing. Then show me a picture of deboned skinless chicken wing meat. Are they the same picture? There is no argument/debate just fact and fiction.

by hildegard34 3 months ago

What's that got to do with anything? If I dice a chicken breast is it no longer a chicken breast just cause it doesn't look the same. The fact is a wing that has been deboned is still a wing. Try again.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Breast is specifically meat tissue, the wing includes the bone

by Ferrydarrell 3 months ago

That would be a proper boneless wing. But as you said, the product market as boneless wings isn't actually wings with the bones taken out.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah to be honest I was kinda being a smart ass there.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I'm well aware . Just find it funny that a wing would no longer avwing cause someone deboned it.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Boneless wings (and they're not even wings) are lazy. They're one more overly-convenient, overly-processed thing for (mostly) Americans to mindlessly shovel into their mouths while their arteries harden.

by Dangelo19 3 months ago

Nah. Breading is gross.

by Icy_Practice_916 3 months ago

Yeah but traditional came first so they wouldn't be called boneless wings.

by jannieokon 3 months ago

Wings cooked properly are super easy to eat, the bones slide right out and then you have a boneless wing, just one that was cooked with the bone in and is actually the wing not some weird mashup of chicken and goo

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Wings got popular all those years ago because they were cheap. As they got popular the demand for them increased and they aren't particularly cheap anymore. They're good but your reasons for preferring boneless wings are indisputable.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I won't argue against the obvious tactical disadvantages of standard bone-in wings. They're messier, you have to clean up the bones, etc. I think the extra work is worth it, because you're getting wing meat. Tenders are not made out of meat from the wings. Best case scenario it's breast meat, but the more processed the product is the greater the chances that you really don't know where that meat came from. Tenders have their fans, and I've been known to eat them myself, but to me this argument is basically the same as, "Burgers are better than a T-bone steak because they're easier to eat." Or, "McDonald's filet o fish is so much more convenient than dealing with a lobster." My only real gripe about the Tender side of things is when restaurants call them "boneless wings," because that's not at all what they are.

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Valerie45 3 months ago

They are not. They are different. Wings are great at home. Not at a movie theatre wearing in the dark.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You know what I can't do with boneless wings? Chew on the bone and suck the marrow out.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Chicken is chicken is chicken.. just don't give me that impossible chicken stuff

by Marianoharber 3 months ago

I don't like the breading. The crispy skin is what makes the difference for me.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I think we can all agree that THE WORST is biting into a wing that was supposed to be boneless and finding out it's bone in.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Bone in is better for taste so they definitely are the superior choice. If you find them a hassle to eat then you just need to take the bones out before you bite, which isn't difficult to do.

by Equivalent-Context 3 months ago

It's just manly name for chicken tenders, no?

by Joannehintz 3 months ago

Chicken nuggets suck.

by Stantonhauck 3 months ago

Wings are crispier and have a specific flavour that you don't find in boneless wings. Not all chicken meat is equal.

by Ferrydarrell 3 months ago

Boneless wings are just saucy nuggets, but I like them.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

i can get down with this

by Anonymous 3 months ago


by Jacobiclaire 3 months ago

I never understood the fascination with wings. I never buy them, but when I have a whole chicken, it's the part that gets eaten last.

by Kylee91 3 months ago

I have ARFID, so I eat some variation of boneless chicken 5 of the 7 days a week. I do mix it up though so it's not the same type each day. I don't have wings often because they can be very messy and I have sensory issues. But when I do have them once in a blue moon, god do I love them so damn much. I think it's because you have to eat around the bone, you have to consciously think about which parts you're eating rather than just mindlessly shoving them in your mouth. It takes quite a bit longer to eat a single wing than a similarly sized boneless chicken piece. There's longer to appreciate it, it's more of an experience. At least for me.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Too much breading on "boneless" wings. Hard pass for me.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Oh, here we go again with this old argument.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Sounds like op likes chicken bites not wings. I grew up carribean. My dad eats the gristle and cracks the bones to get the marrow. Waste not, want not. Also, his his skin has always been amazing lol

by trycia18 3 months ago

other than flats i agree

by EitherConcentrate 3 months ago

You just don't like wings. They're different things

by Working-Funny1059 3 months ago

No other foods only chicken nuggies

by Anonymous 3 months ago

If someone is generally pressed about this they just need help

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Boneless wings are not chicken nuggets. Chicken nuggets imply chicken being blended up and shaped into a boot. Boneless wings are part of the breast cut off of the bone.

by Dramatic-Crew 3 months ago

I will die on this hill. Boneless all the way.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Chicken wings are like, the worst cut of chicken people eat I really don't understand their popularity, gimmie dem tendies.

by Resident_Sugar929 3 months ago

You know that chicken nuggets are basically nugget shaped garbage.

by Even-Potato 3 months ago

What does this mean? What's wrong with using every part of the animal that's edible?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Uhhh boneless wings are usually tenderloin or breast meat and is generally healthier than a wing lol

by Hahnking 3 months ago

And are thus not wings.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

As you said, boneless wings are in fact NOT wings. soooo this is already dumb. "When I'm eating chicken wings, I want to pick up a chicken wing, put it in my mouth, and eat all of it. " so....not wings. got it just say you like nuggets. that's fine. pass me the WINGS. lol

by Anonymous 3 months ago

They're chicken nuggets, basically.

by Independent-Heat 3 months ago

Bone-in wings just offer a distinct eating experience that is different from most other things. The feeling of eating them is what appeals to people and if you don't care for it there's no reason to get them.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

We experimented with "boneless wings" for several months. Almost nobody liked them. Wing sales plummeted so we went back to real wings.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Popeye's is a great example on how to handle wings. Bone or boneless. 8 types of sauces and then dipping. Tenders or Nuggets and the obligatory dipping sauces. A sit down restaurant needs tenders and wings. They do not need boneless wings.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I have a feeling there are a lot of well done steak people on your side, and that is all i need to know.

by salvatorebradtk 3 months ago

No suck thing as a boneless wing. Its a nugget.

by Keithbeatty 3 months ago

No part of a "boneless wing" is chicken wing. It's a straight up misnomer. They are in fact slightly higher quality chicken nuggets, more like a chick fil a chicken nugget if you will. Sounds like you just enjoy processed food more and have not expanded your food pallet to enjoy the wonderful world of food there is out there

by rexmoore 3 months ago

Sure, just don't call them wings and convince yourself that they are

by Anonymous 3 months ago