+37 Being jealous of somebody is ONLY bad/toxic if you use that jealousy to demean them. amirite?

by stonemorar 6 months ago

Appeal to nature fallacy. Just because something is natural doesn't make it a good thing. Aside from that I do agree with you mostly. Other than people in relationships could use their jealousy to constantly look at their partners' phone and make them feel like they're stepping on egg shells, that's a toxic use of jealousy that doesn't necessarily demean their partner

by Josie16 6 months ago

Sure, it's natural to an extent. Suppose you're out the dinner with your spouse. You run into their hot ex, the two share a little small talk, and they go about their way. You'll probably feel a little jealous and that's okay. But you shouldn't you mad at your spouse obviously. Furthermore, there's probably nothing about that interaction that would realistically lead to self-improvement.

by InteractionPrimary15 6 months ago

Jealousy is drama.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

I don't understand jealousy……

by Queasy_String_6181 6 months ago

Agreed. I think if anything, jealousy is a compliment to that other person lol

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Yep. So not unpopular. Feel your feelings.

by Garland30 6 months ago

jealousy that motivates us to get better isnt "jealousy"

by Anonymous 6 months ago