+44 I think that allowance is not good for children. amirite?

by Kjohnston 1 month ago

Kids get everything for basically doing nothing. Thats how parenting works.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah, I was raised on the same system, but I still needed extra money for things. Giving kids an allowance can teach them how to budget money and save money and be more careful about how they spend it. It's fine. They're kids. And one way or another, you will end up spending money on them. They don't have to work for literally every dime I give them. This is just not necessary. If anything, chores should not rewarded with money. My daughter does chores because it is how she contributes to household. I'm not paying her to fold up her own laundry clothes. But I might pay her to clean out a closet or something.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Well what I meant was yeah they should get some money to spend for free but I meant get paid to do jobs, such as painting the fence or folding everyone's laundry.

by Kjohnston 1 month ago

That's fair. I don't mind paying them to do those kind of tasks. My mom paid us to do little things like that. We had to keep a literal time card lololol.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Who says it's due nothing? My kids has to do X amount of things.

by MoveInternational 1 month ago

Yes thats what I mean. Kids these days need to learn money doesn't come free. Good job man

by Kjohnston 1 month ago

Yeah, I don't remember my allowance being 'free'....there were always strings attached (grades, completing chores, etc) to it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I remember I had to vacuum+steam mop floors, clean like 6 jealousy windows, wash dishes, walk the dog, change the indoor pads and, dust every single shelf. Take a guess how much I god after the week

by Plenty_Success 1 month ago

Well the normal process would be that kids get an allowance for helping do chores around the house: no chores = no allowance. If you're a parent just giving your kids cash, regularly, for nothing then yes that's a rubbish lesson and a poor example of parenting.

by Anonymous 1 month ago