+69 Celsius Is One Of The Worst Measurement Units Or At Least The Worst Temperature Unit. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Having grown up with Celcius I disagree. I absolutely cannot visualise temperatures day to day in Fahrenheit. Whatever you are familiar with is what makes it easier. I don't need that wide a variety of temperatures to know when to take a jumper with me lol 0° Celcius is just the point water freezes. 100° is when water boils. It's actually really straightforward lol

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah all of these arguments can easily be reversed lol, all it comes down to is what you're used to and your upbringing

by Top-Air7293 1 month ago

So the issues are: I need 0-100 scale because -17.7 - 37.7 is just too much for my tiny brain Basically no other issues, since as you said, while cooking, the number doesn't matter. You just set it to whatever the recepie says It all comes down to what you're used to. For me it makes perfect sense that freezing temps go below 0. When Its freezing outside, it's when air starts to hurt. Fahrenheit has feeezing on 32. How is that any more logical than 0? You also said that Its bad for science, when there's Kelvin, which is Celius with 0 moved to absolute 0. You saying that implies Fahrenheit being good for science, which I really hope you're not saying

by Rodriguezberyl 1 month ago

The air outside certainly doesn't usually start to hurt at 32 its lower than that. Likewise, you ironically aren't seeing a lot of snow or ice until you're in the mid to low 20s since you're not dealing with perfect conditions anyways. And no one is trying to watch the temperature of something to get it to boil ever, in basically any setting. Also tbh its better in medicine. 100+ is a fever (technically 100.5 but almost everyone above 100 has one,) you're essentially hypothermic below 95. I'll make some concessions in lab settings, using Celsius helps in calculations and some unit conversions, but thats a very limted setting.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I agree that F has some ways it's good for, but having it go 0-100 makes no difference, when you're already used to Celsius. For me, 0-100 scales in temperature make no sense, since I am so used to having 37 as standard human temperature. You can get used to anything very quickly The constant need of Amercians to have 0-100 makes me question their mental capacity

by Rodriguezberyl 1 month ago

Girl HUH??? It's not arbitrary, water freezes at 0° and boils at 100° so that's what we go by. Imperial 0° is arbitrary as hell. At least ours is based on something

by Anonymous 1 month ago

0 F is as cold as it ever gets in Gdansk!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yes it is. Any other zero than absolute zero is arbitrary as it doesn't reflect thermal energy properly Which is why Kelvin > Celsius

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Kelvin is just Celsius +273.15, or where 0 is absolute zero, not sure how kelvin is any better in your day to day life, if you don't like celsius, as again all it changes is any Celsius temp just needs to have 273.15 added to it.

by TemporaryIntern2603 1 month ago

Its not. Its for the scientific applications

by Anonymous 1 month ago

And? It still is just Celcius where they moved 0 to absolute zero, other than that it measures in the exact same way. So instead of it being 20c outside its just 293.15f outside.

by TemporaryIntern2603 1 month ago

"Visualize.... Day to day.... Kelvin >Celsius" You mean to tell us you use Kelvin on a day to day basis?

by SectorOtherwise4830 1 month ago

KELVIN?? Oh my god you've lost it!! Bestie, insane!!! Let me set my thermostat to 24° Kelvin and just hope that doesn't kill me or something

by Anonymous 1 month ago

24 Kelvin, not degrees

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I literally said Kelvin would be the best for scientific applications not everyday life

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The zero is not when the atom has zero thermal energy, therefore its zero is arbitrary.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

And what about Fahrenheit then?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Also arbitrary but encompass more daily temperatures than Celsius through 0-100

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Why is so much hard to grasp that is just a matter of getting used to it?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I find it the other way around, but then again, I was bought up with °c am Fahrenheit confuses me.

by Outrageous-Case 1 month ago

So, can we all agree that Kelvin is the superior temperature scale?

by zcarroll 1 month ago

I mean it could work, but then all temperatures would just be whatever we have it now in C +273.15. So can be done, just doesn't seem to be of much use in doing so, also I would think some people would be confused when buying lights, and seeing it emits maybe 4000k, and then thinking it's heat.

by TemporaryIntern2603 1 month ago

so, also I would think some people would be confused when buying lights, and seeing it emits maybe 4000k, and then thinking it's heat. I think that is just a lack of knowledge on your part. Colour temperatures are based on black body radiation. The wire inside a lightbulb does reach those temperatures, but it doesn't matter because the actual wire is tiny and contained in an inert atmosphere, so the heat emitted from bulb dissipates quickly.

by zcarroll 1 month ago

I do know that is why, just saying when granny is out shopping for lights, and all she knows is kelvin temperatures, and see that I would think some might be mistaken, people get confused over less.

by TemporaryIntern2603 1 month ago

It's much harder to visualize becouse you are more used to Fahrenheit, not becouse of something innate to the measurements. Your point is literally, " I'm better with something that I've practiced with, so that thing is better than the thing I haven't practiced with."

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I said kelvin for scientific purposes. Which was its entire point And Fahrenheit was better for everyday life since its 0-100 encompassing more commonly found temperatures

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You said it not having 0 at absolute 0 makes it bad for science while also saying you want daily life in the 0-100 range. That is not an arguement, accept reality.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

No one is using Kelvin for common day, and no one is using frandhit for science. They are two different units for different proposes

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Correct, you cant make a negative arguement about each of these systems based on those differences, when the differences are required for them to work.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You can't use that argument to explain why C is bad, when F has the exact same issue, so using that as an argument makes no sense. So really your only point as to why C is worse than F is just that you find F easier to visualize, and the only reason you think that way, is because that's just what you are use to, for the rest of us it's the other way round.

by TemporaryIntern2603 1 month ago

Except Fahrenheit's 0 is also not absolute zero, and it is also, by your own standards, 'arbitrarily' based on the freezing and boiling temperatures of water, except it's 32 and 212 and split into 180 degrees which seems even more random because the original has its 0 set as the freezing point of some salt solution because that's the coldest standard they can get at the time. Accounting for negative temperatures isn't as unintuitive as you think just because you're not used to it. And you even failed to address the actual valid point of it being more accurate when rounded up to whole due to a degree covering a narrower range of temperature.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Reminds me of this joke

by Stock_Wish_4969 1 month ago

Celsius doesn't have an arbitrary 0. 0 degrees Celsius is the temperature at which water freezes

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That is literally what arbitrary means. The lower end of the scale was arbitrarily set the the freezing point of water.

by zcarroll 1 month ago

eh, I'd disagree, arbitrary means the choice was chosen with no relevance, potentially to make calculations easier, which i guess you could argue for temperature maybe, but we chose the zero to be an actual useful point, so I'd personally say it wasn't chosen arbitrarily, semantically i might be wrong though

by Anonymous 1 month ago

alright, so... what was farenheit based on? pretty sure that was 'arbitrary' too

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Arbitrary as in it's 0 is not the temperature where the atom is no longer moving or has zero thermal energy

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Even at that point, even the Kelvin scale is still arbitrary.

by zcarroll 1 month ago

Everything is arbitrary, there are no scales or measurements in the world that isn't, and there never will be.

by TemporaryIntern2603 1 month ago

And the 0 Fahrenheit is what? Freezing temp of brine water, yeah that

by Anonymous 1 month ago