+57 Football / Soccer is boring and if you like it you're basic. amirite?

by No_Balance_8847 1 month ago

It's the beautiful game, and it's the only game I care about. If that makes me basic, then I'm gladly basic.

by juwan37 1 month ago

The cringe is real

by No_Balance_8847 1 month ago

Using the doll, can you show us where the footballer touched you?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't watch sports I prefer to participate rather than watch. When I do watch, it's mostly boxing, MMA, or kickboxing ect... essentially, combat sports. I follow these to learn more about them, as I practice MMA myself. so for learning purpose mostly I find UFC show cringe while the sport behind is so good if it wasn't for learning purpose I would not watch it

by No_Balance_8847 1 month ago

"Football is probably the only sport where a match can be decided by a refereeing error or a completely random stroke of luck" As someone who also watches MMA, this opinion doesn't compute with an MMA fan. I don't believe you.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If you havent played football yourself or you arent so into it I see youe point. You can watch the game from a totally different perspective when you ACTUALLY know about the sport. For me, I see MMA and mostly all combat sports as cringe. You purposly want to smash the other person, no thanks.

by Historical-Humor1370 1 month ago

Almost all your points can be directed to basketball as well. Yes is basketball the score is higher but also each point is less interesting. Strategy, yes just dribble up and down the court how captivating. Score, and do the same thing over again. Dives and flops are common in basketball as well. Complexity of rules… really? I get that you don't understand the rules of the game and don't enjoy the game. But to evaluate it all to the basics and only the negative each game can be rendered down to idiotic. Just because you can't see the appeal, the people who do aren't less. And i don't even care about football.

by OverParticular3039 1 month ago

TBF i don't understand the handball rules anymore

by SpiteGreat 1 month ago

I don't like basketball either it was just a quick comparison not a praise to basketball :)

by No_Balance_8847 1 month ago

Then what sport do you like?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Mostly, I follow fighting sports like MMA and boxing for learning purposes since I practice MMA myself. However, I'm not really the type to watch sports for enjoyment; I get bored pretty quickly. I'd much rather participate in sports than watch them, so yeah, I'm biased. Lmao

by No_Balance_8847 1 month ago

This is an unpopular opinion in many parts of the world. However, I completely agree with you. It isn't as if I didn't give it a try. I learned the rules and everything. I just can't get into it. I do like some of the players though. Messi is my duuuude! Some of those guys have true grit. It may be a different grit than an American football player or Rugby player, but having that kind of cardio is truly awesome. The levels of endurance those guys have is off the charts! I respect their dedication, but I just don't like watching the game. I get too bored. I can understand where you're coming from to an extent.

by Danialraynor 1 month ago

Unironically using the phrase "you're basic" Catch 22 situation right there.

by Tall_Revenue441 1 month ago

Yeah and you didn't even get into the fact that they keep time in such a way that nobody can even tell you how much time is left in the game.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Let me correct the title; "I don't think football is entertaining and you are basic if you disagree because i have the mental capability of a 12 year old"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Mama said foosball is the devil.

by Electronic_Excuse480 1 month ago

You have no clue about football. Not the tiniest bit.

by Far-Payment 1 month ago