+46 I think breakdance should not be an olympic sport. amirite?

by Anonymous 6 months ago

This is how I find out breakdance is an Olympic sport?

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Have you seen ribbon dancing?

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Yes. awful. Can't wait until they add "rhythmic skipping" and "riding a trike with streamers on the handlebars".

by chaz03 6 months ago

Yes. You have to control smoothly something that's out of your body.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Combine the two. Olympic Capoeira.

by Commercial_Point 6 months ago

I would 100% tune in to watch Brazilian's dance beat down everyone else every four years.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Wait, so something meant to draw viewers cares about what's popular? 😲

by Early_Town3273 6 months ago

Olympic games were not made initially to draw viewers. Were made to test the ability and strength of athletes around the world. Besides breakdance it's not that popular anymore. It's not 2005.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Breakdance wasn't popular in 2005.

by Vokeefe 6 months ago

Everything on tv is there to draw viewers

by Early_Town3273 6 months ago

I would argue that breakdancing is also tests of strengths and ability. Sure it's not throwing a javelin, but it does requires a level of dexterity, agility, strength, and concentration that could be on par with some athletic abilities. I also have a question how do you feel about artistic gymnastics?

by Santamayert 6 months ago

Is that not the same with breakdancing? One failed spin or flip you fail. The average person can't break dance so it could be just as hard.

by Santamayert 6 months ago

You can save those, besides most people don't know how breakdancing works anyway and they won't notice if someone fell or they kept "dancing".

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Then you have never seen good breakdancing, also they would have rules and standards as to what judges want you are not the person who scores . Also if you are good enough even in artistic gymnastics you can make a fail look like part of the act.

by Santamayert 6 months ago

And break dance isn't?

by Dalenicolas 6 months ago

You mean something that's thousands upon thousands of years old has changed a bit? What's your source that breakdance isn't that popular anymore?

by francesglover 6 months ago

did you know breakdance test ability and strength?

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Enlighten me how something that requires balance, strength and ability like breakdance it's better than something that requires balance, strength and ability like karate. Tell me why breakdance it's an olympic sport, and karate isn't.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

uh no. the olympics was made to promote peace and friendship through sports. so is bboying a sport? yes. do people go to war over it? no. so it fits the olympics. if you want the best tests of athletics, you would do away with all the country nonsense and just watch the world championships of a sport. the olympics is not that.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

If they are doing all the spins and flips, I think it should be. I think the same with pole dancing. They are peak athletes. But if they are just dancing with no indication of physical ability, why?

by Anonymous 6 months ago

There are a bunch of sports which shouldn't be there, my particular gripe is with 'branch' sports like 3x3 basketball The very best athletes in the world play the 'full' version of such sports, why should the Olympic games essentially reward players for failing to make it in the big leagues?

by Interesting_Year8144 6 months ago

Yeah just like they have shooting with an air gun as an sport but not ipsc They definitly should add ipsc Atleast you move and don‘t stand in the same place Can you even call that a sport

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Target shooting has generally been called a sport for some time now.

by Objective-Total 6 months ago

Well ipsc is superior And you shoot there at targets too I hate normal target shooting even more because a solid portion of them (atleast in Germany I think) think of as for Barbarians for running and shooting when we just don‘t wanna be bored You can‘t tell me shooting 3 shoots at 1 target in 5 minutes is fun

by Anonymous 6 months ago


by Objective-Total 6 months ago

You need to say what IPSC is if you want anyone here to care.

by Sea-Expert-7604 6 months ago

I agree with that. Everyone can be good at pulling a trigger while standing still.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Oh buddy no they really can't be.

by Specialist_Box_9889 6 months ago

If Ice Dancing is an Olympic event, why not breakdancing?

by Some_Shift 6 months ago

I didn't know breakdancing made it to the Olympics! Hell yeah!

by boganmyrtle 6 months ago

Then maybe gymnastics shouldn't be an Olympic sport either?

by Anonymous 6 months ago

gymansts need a lot of physical ability and Its an offshoot of track and field tho

by Anonymous 6 months ago


by Anonymous 6 months ago

How much money do you think breakdancing will bring in??

by Small-Claim 6 months ago

fencing is also stupid

by Anonymous 6 months ago

It's only an exhibition sport for Paris 2024, it won't be at LA 2028. Karate was exhibition for Tokyo 2020(1)

by noemi18 6 months ago

If they only care about money and popularity why are you complaining about a sport being taken out that is more popular than one that's still in?

by alfonzo49 6 months ago

They took a popular sport out in favour of something less popular thinking it would atract young people to the olympics. They were wrong.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

Think that again. Most of MMA moves are from karate, krav maga, and judo. "Yoga tier exercise"? Whatever, keep thinking that.

by Anonymous 6 months ago

I think the Olympics has supported the LGTBQ community enough, there's no need to keep karate.

by Vokeefe 6 months ago