+48 Geoge RR Martin, with his recent blog and and no ending of main series in sight, is doing nothing but feeding the toxicity of the already ending-deprived fandom. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

He's never going to finish the books. I was excited for a while for the next book. Disappointed for a while when it never came. Now I just really don't care if he ever finishes it. I just assume it'll be a great series left hanging.

by Heathcotemathil 1 month ago

Just let Brandon Sanderson finish it for him already.

by ayana10 1 month ago

True, rather than keep everyone hanging.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The fanbase isn't toxic they're just sick of being let down. I think they have every right to be, GRRM has let them down, and HBO has let them down. The series started over 30 years ago and he still hasn't found it within him to finish the series

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I am too but GRRM blogs aren't helping.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

why end a cash cow

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If I was his publisher I'd be suing the hell out of him, because they are losing a fortune in future sales. Who's going to start the series knowing there's no end?

by Feeling_Tell_9877 1 month ago

For it

by Anonymous 1 month ago

He can do whatever he wants, but what he is doing is not helping anything or anyone except make everyone miserable.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

What makes you think GRRM has any control over what goes on the series?

by Plane-Inevitable 1 month ago

He doesn't so i would rather he focus his time on finishing his books rather than writing pointless blogs.

by Anonymous 1 month ago