-43 I Think people who don't like seafood or any of the more refined foods are childish by nature, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If you didn't grow up eating it, it tastes weird. I don't like seafood because we didn't eat it when I was growing up. My husband doesn't like lemons and limes because he didn't eat those growing up. One is not "more refined" than the other.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Even beyond that you can just grow out of it. When I was a kid I ate a lot of seafood and really liked it but as I grew older I just liked it less and less and nowadays there's just a couple of stuff that I like in seafood

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

My parents tried to feed me fish growing up, I just could never like it. It sucks, I think certain fish and sushi looks amazing, but I can't get past the "fishy" flavor.

by Routine_Setting 2 weeks ago

Generalizing seafood as "refined" is definitely unpopular

by Zestyclose-Bed 2 weeks ago

I'm not a fan of eating what is essentially sea bugs.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

What about land bugs?

by malika88 2 weeks ago

The most childish people I've ever met like to be pretentious and judge other people's food choices. Fun fact, lobster and the like used to be considered poor people food, and food for prisoners.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Judging people based on what their food preferences are is childish too, in my opinion. Who cares?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Is seafood considered refined? My son is picky picky, but he'll eat seafood.

by BusinessForever5489 2 weeks ago

I guess if refined the OP means expensive.

by HoneyAble2085 2 weeks ago

I sea what you're trying to do here.

by nelda67 2 weeks ago

ohhh you got me there you brilliant beach

by Schambergercasi 2 weeks ago


by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

What the "hake" are you guys talking about?

by Champlindomingo 2 weeks ago

I love seafood but there are so many reasons someone might not. Texture issues, got terribly sick from it or just not caring for it. I don't think there's a direct relationship between eating seafood or refined foods and maturity. People like foods they grew up eating most often. Some people might not be exposed to seafood as younger people. I don't consider seafood "refined" either; unless, of course it is prepared in a specific manner that would make it refined.

by Unhappy-Ad7207 2 weeks ago

Where I live, seafood isn't refined at all, so what seem to be the source or your opinion ("it's refined so you should like it", at least that's how it reads) already falls apart there. And I don't really know how disliking the taste and/or texture of something is childish like this is such a weird take

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I'll pretty much eat anything but seafood. Plus it's expensive for something I don't enjoy. Exceptions are eel sashimi or Mahi Mahi for me.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Some people have sensory issues with the texture, that's certainly not childish

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I can't taste particularly well. Refined foods are a waste of time, effort and money to me so I don't eat them

by Much-Information 2 weeks ago

Today's refined foods are often the foods of poor people in the past. This is true for lobster, oysters, and pimento cheese, for example. I don't like the taste of game. If I eat beef, it needs to taste mostly like black pepper or gravy or onion, or like oregano, pepper, red pepper, and garlic (or ketchup, mustard, & pickle). I don't need to try a bunch of other gamey foods because I don't like game. When my husband says, "You won't like this," I take his word for it. Same with seafood. Perhaps this means I have an unsophisticated pallet, but it doesn't mean I'm childish. I have no problem saying that I'm not an adventurous eater.

by Glad-Grab4100 2 weeks ago

I think people who can't into punctuation, and yet accuse others of being childish based on cuisine they prefer, are childish.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

all this because they don't like seafood? like who cares? lmaooo. how does what other people eat affect your life?

by brendamcculloug 2 weeks ago

Shrimps are cockroaches of the ocean

by Hansenangel 2 weeks ago

Well I agree ... People who turn their noses up at anything that's outside their comfort zone are not people I tend to enjoy being around. Maybe it's not that they're childish, but being adamantly basic to me seems like very flawed thinking. Just makes me bristle. I know a guy who eats like a child: spaghetti-Os, hotdogs, chicken nuggets ONLY - to the point where it's giving him health issues - but pretty sure it's psychological/neurologic thing ... a vestige of his very abusive upbringing. So I feel like he has an excuse.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

why do you care what people do or don't eat? does it affect you?

by brendamcculloug 2 weeks ago

My dad's side of the family tends to react badly to mussels. Mussels were the first seafood I tried as a child and I threw up quite badly. Every other seafood smells like mussels to me, so I've never tried them, because I'd rather not take that risk and there's no reason for me to try.

by Stone66 2 weeks ago