I'm in my late 30s. I'm not dealing with that crap anymore.
by Anonymous1 week ago
Some people take it as socialization, like hitting the pub afterward. But I know what you mean … don't expect everyone is at the same level.
by Holiday_Reading1 week ago
This is why my mom refuses to ever go hiking with me. I'm the slow one. Side note when I was in shape and ran cross country our goal was to be able to talk during workout. If you couldn't it was a sign you didn't work out over the summer.
by Anonymous1 week ago
My long slower weekend runs - I love them with a couple friends. The intent is to run them at a pace where you can talk, it helps pass the time. Speedwork at the track? It's fine if other friends are there but everybody is doing their own reps and we maybe socialize during cooldowns just go to the pub afterwards. In between stuff, midweek runs, I tend to do them alone with music.
by Anonymous1 week ago
Once on a friday after work I had my friends over, we were gonna go out later. In some incredible way, I managed to convince everyone to join in and go running (lol). It must've been an odd sight, but it was fun. But yeah I always run alone otherwise. The best thing about running to me is that its so simple to do, going through the hassle of bringing a friend along isn't worth it to me.
by Anonymous1 week ago
You could have just left the 3 middle words out and it would be more true.
by Just_Worth1 week ago
I hate running in general but yeah I definitely agree. Though for me it stems from having to run in formation when I was in the Navy. The short people were in front and set the pace; while long legged taller folks like me were in the back.
by Clean-Money-5701 week ago
Agreed!! And tbh, most types of workouts - once in a while I'll lift with a friend, but more often than not I prefer to be alone!
by Laurel581 week ago
this isn't unpopular. even people who do it don't like that one person is always gonna be faster but for some people it's the only time they have together. it's 100% a social thing.
by Anonymous1 week ago
To me the point of a running group is a combination of pushing yourself physically while also finding time to socialise afterwards It doesn't always work out like that, but I think it's a great thing to get involved in, for any ability
by Actual_Word_3011 week ago
Agree, I have a kid and I know it's good for her to run with me (she's 11) so I always ask but I'm always so relieved when she says no. I don't want to talk! I just want to put my headphones in!
by Anonymous 1 week ago
by Anonymous 1 week ago
by Anonymous 1 week ago
by Anonymous 1 week ago
by Holiday_Reading 1 week ago
by Anonymous 1 week ago
by Anonymous 1 week ago
by Anonymous 1 week ago
by Just_Worth 1 week ago
by Clean-Money-570 1 week ago
by Laurel58 1 week ago
by Anonymous 1 week ago
by Actual_Word_301 1 week ago
by Franciscamiller 1 week ago
by kennediwolf 1 week ago