-42 Monogamy isn't natural, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Bro got caught cheating and is venting.

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

Nah, Bro wants an open marriage and his missus said no.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Monogamy is natural actually. Some animals mate for life. And we are just primates after all

by Filibertocorker 1 week ago

Yeah opinions don't matter much when talking about objective truths

by Filibertocorker 1 week ago

Not killing off weaker rivals isn't natural either. People need to accept that.

by Comfortable-Owl-6968 1 week ago

Actually I'm pretty sure it is natural lol, aren't some animals monogamous πŸ˜‚?

by Dovieschmeler 1 week ago

No complex, social animal I know of is sexually monogamous, including swans, penguins & voles all animals that people assume are sexually monogamous for life, but aren't. I'm not saying animals- whether it's us or swans aren't capable of it. But I would say it's not the norm.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

An important point though is that the most successful societies throughout history have been monogamous

by UseChoice 1 week ago

Do you think the Roman Empire was a monogamous population? The British Empire? Do you think the royalty & commoners alike were sexually monogamous their whole life? No doubt with agriculture based societies evolving & quickly massively outbreeding forager societies over the last 10,000 years, monogamy started to be the expectation. But humans have a long track record in every society of not meeting that expectation in many cases.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Don't do that, OP.

by TimeStunning8739 1 week ago

Uranium is natural. I doubt you use some as floors

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I wonder what impact non-monogamy would have on children raised in a more "natural" setting as OP puts it.

by Antonerunolfsdo 1 week ago

Naturalistic fallacy…. Probably a popular, but silly opinion

by Alysha09 1 week ago

For some people it's natural, for others it isn't. Personally, I have no interest in anyone other than my wife. If you can't be monogamous to one person and be happy, don't enter a monogamous relationship.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Wonder why so many people pull off monogamy then. If you want to sleep with whomever whenever because you can you should establish that at the beginning.

by RecordingOpening5223 1 week ago

To get more specific, I'd argue it's a religious creation rather than a cultural one that has developed to be a cultural norm.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

But its present in other species?

by Camilaschaden 1 week ago

No. Religion didn't create monogamy

by Anonymous 1 week ago

what did?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The need to inherit property

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Maybe not, but with the right person it's amazing

by AssociationSuper 1 week ago

Murder, theft, domestic violence, child abuse, animal cruelty, etc. have also been practiced in every culture/society ever known. I guess you could say that respecting other people's rights and property "isn't natural/instinctual" but this seems like a pointless observation,

by nellemoore 1 week ago

but I think people need to recognize it isn't instinctual or natural to humans. No, you need to recognize that if it isn't to you, then you're the statistical outlier here.

by Typical_Minimum3818 1 week ago

Naturalistic fallacy.

by Important_Reason 1 week ago

Monogamy isn't natural but death for infidelity is. If you observe animals in the wild they'll kill rival males and their offspring for mating w/ one of their females. Point is there are a lot of social constructs created by humans over time through trial and error to create order and stability so the natural vs unnatural argument is kind of dumb.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Mostly agree, but monogamous pairing is true for plenty species.

by Antonerunolfsdo 1 week ago

Us included, I wouldn't be surprised if 90%+ of the world was monogamous. I think non-monogamy is mostly just a thing for rich people and western cultures.

by Anonymous 1 week ago