+29 I hate when Youtubers use movie/cartoon references in their essay videos, amirite?

by Former-Soil-3267 1 month ago

You hate not knowing the reference or you hate people making reference you don't get?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I love inside jokes. I hope to be a part of one some day.

by Fit-Plan 1 month ago

Half agree. I get annoyed when they make in depth metaphores to make their point, that compare something to a medium I've never consumed. I don't always mind when they use a show movie that was so wildly popular the only people who wouldn't have seen it are those who actively chose not to. Like I've never seen any Lord of the Rings movies, but I don't mind when people make LOR metaphors to other fantasy mediums because I think it's pretty safe to assume most sifi/fantasy would have seen then, and it's really on me at this point. But lately, I feel the comparisons will be too some random amine or video game character that I've never even heard of, and only a small niche group of people would relate to. As long as the metaphors are quick though it's whatever.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Well, this is certainly an unpopular opinion.

by Anonymous 1 month ago