The elderly should not be allowed to drive heavier class vehicles on main roads, amirite?
by Money_Challenge6 days ago
Or just check in on peoples ability to drive whatever they're driving every X years. Especially beyond like, 60.
by Anonymous6 days ago
I have said this for years. I don't think 60 is the right age though because I know plenty of people that are around that age that are just as quick as somebody in their 20s. That being said? Somewhere around 65 through 70 years old is about the sweet spot to have them have to go back for some sort of testing on a yearly basis. I live in South Florida so I deal with a lot of them. I once saw a woman in a parking lot come around the corner and slam right into a parked car. She backed up , then put the car and drive and parked right next to the car she hit. I was standing there with my jaw on the ground. The old woman got out of the car and I asked her if she was OK and she said yes. She started to walk into the store like nothing happened. I asked her why she hit the car. She was like, what car? This woman had to be at least 80 years old. She honestly didn't even realize she slammed into a car. So yeah, somewhere around 70 years old people need some sort of testing-maybe vision or cognitive testing before they get behind the wheel of a 2 ton vehicle
by Anonymous6 days ago
Yeah, I agree. Not sure why I went with 60. It is a bit on the low side.
by Anonymous6 days ago
Age discrimination is a protected class, in America at least. So this is a non starter. There is a move to make flying commercial airliners past 65 a thing, but that is getting pushback (thats a union wage protection thong, though, amongst other things)
by Sorry-Concert6 days ago
What about handicap that need to transport their wheelchair in a van?
by Anonymous 6 days ago
by Anonymous 6 days ago
by Anonymous 6 days ago
by Sorry-Concert 6 days ago
by Trick_Cartoonist 6 days ago
by Money_Challenge 6 days ago