Stacked and blended photography are not true photography, amirite?
by Anonymous1 month ago
This honestly seems arbitrary given how cameras work. Your camera, be it a DSLR, mirrorless, GoPro, film, or smartphone, is making a lot of choices for you automatically. In dim/poor lighting, many digital cameras will automatically do multiple exposures with variable sensitivity and stack them to bring out dark areas without blowing out the light areas. Colors are typically adjusted automatically too to pop better. Hell, just the act of capturing a photo is filled with choices. I can take two film shots of the same thing at the same time, but use slightly different films and it'll result in different prints. How I focus the shot or any lens filters I use will change it from 'reality'. Effectively, no photograph is a 'true' photograph....it's an interpretation, even if the purpose was to be as 'accurate' as possible.
by Anonymous 1 month ago