+41 It's fine not to learn the language of the country you move to, amirite?

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Being able to have a day to day conversation means you're learning a language though. You have a grasp on part of it at least. Not fluent but eventually you'll get there through conversational learning.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

If I moved to a country where I didn't speak the language, I would consider it my basic responsibility to at least make the effort to learn enough to get by. Aside from making it difficult to get by and fit in if you don't learn, it's just, well, rude.

by CharmingEnergy 5 days ago

Try being a doctor or nurse with patients coming to your station in hospitals, only speaking (insert foreign language, I don't want to pick on anyone particularly)

by Capital_Interview_64 5 days ago

Yeah all you need one phone with necessary apps in most asia.

by Ok-Border7507 5 days ago

I live in Berlin, and I swear, sometimes this just feels like I'm in an English speaking country. A lot of the time I speak in German to the Baristas and they respond in English.

by Nickolasdubuque 5 days ago

You can do it, but it isn't "fine". It's actually imposing a massive handicap on yourself. Most people don't learn a language because they love it. It's just the only way of living in another country without being completely miserable and dysfunctional.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

There is no reason to learn any local language. You can buy food in a supermarket staying completely silent. If you need to deal with authority you could use google translate or pay 20 $ to a translator. It is not easy to learn local language. I am from Spanish country and it takes americans years to learn Spanish, many just don't do it. And in this case languages have a lot in common. Imagine German guy moving to China, it would take many years just to start speaking. By that year it could be time to leave already

by Anonymous 5 days ago

You can pick up basics quick if you're surrounded by it. Fluid? Oh hell no, but completely surrounded you can pick up really quick. I am saying this from a friend who has went to China for a month and me simply living in only a Chinese neighborhood. 🥲

by Chris40 5 days ago