+44 I don't want anyone to die, but it's kind of fun watching 4 million dollar houses burning to the ground when most of us can't afford to buy a cheap house. amirite?

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Even if it was only rich people, that's ok by you?

by Anonymous 5 days ago

And we're hearing nothing at all about those poorer neighbourhoods.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Blame the media not the people who got their house burned down…

by Foreign_Duck 5 days ago

So for example, which is the least wealthiest neighborhood there and by how much are we talking? Everything's relative, I get that but by what specific numbers are you suggesting?

by tremayne91 5 days ago

Is there a specific number where you would start to feel empathy?

by InterestingCloud 5 days ago

I dont have alot of numbers as im in the bathroom at work but anyways, how much do ypu need to make for you to deserve having your largest asset, that houses you and your family, to burn down. Altadena for example is not the type of place where these would be secondary homes. Sure wealthier than the norm but not "Summer vacay in Cali" sort of way.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

The average incomes in these areas are around 200,000 a year.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

So? Thats not filthy rich my guy. Especially in California. Just cause they're better off then you doesnt mean they deserve this.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

4 million is filthy rich anywhere.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

4 million dollar homes is absolutely wealthy. But 200k saleries isnt whats the problem. Its those who could retire yesterday with a million a year and still have a dynasty to inherit to their kids that are the problem. Dont shoot the people that actually worked hard for what they have. Shoot those who stepped on heads to make it happen.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Someone is driving those numbers down.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

For every millionaires house that burned down there's probably 25 normies who have lost everything they own and maybe even their pets. It's not funny. It's not funny for anyone to lose everything. Its sad.

by Dismal_Mouse 5 days ago

I doubt it. Millionaires live next to other millionaires.

by Emmettberge 5 days ago

Which is the point. We're hearing about the millionaires. So little about ordinary people that we have to speculate on their existence.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

There are so few "normies" in Malibu or Pacific Palisades. The average household income is over 200,000 a year.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

My household income is over 200k, should my house burn too? What do you want people to do, invite the homeless inside to sleep in the spare bedroom?

by Vast_Act_7986 5 days ago

Would you accept a 10% increase in your taxes to build mental health and drug addiction centers across the country?

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Someone making 200k in salary is in the second highest tax bracket and being taxed relatively higher than almost anyone else.

by Relevant_Fix 5 days ago

200,000 is very achievable for a dual income household in California… especially that area.

by Foreign_Duck 5 days ago

200k is very achievable in most coastal cities.

by Brownjamarcus 5 days ago

Yeah I live in a HCOL and townhouses from the 80s are over 400k. (Reference I live in a townhouse from the 80s and my tax assessment was $430k for 1390sqft)

by Brownjamarcus 5 days ago

Yeah, my place is now 500k. I'm thinking this person is young and thinks of 100k+ a year as some crazy unattainable generational wealth thing as opposed to "I'm in my 40s and advanced in my career" money.

by Relevant_Fix 5 days ago

200k a year household is two people working in middle management or two high end developers or nurses or something. Thats not wealthy.

by Relevant_Fix 5 days ago

'eyeroll' It's Malibu, there no nurses or middle management living there in their own house.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

The median household income in Malibu is 190,000. RNs make 100k ish there. Thats the income of two nurses. A ton of people rent or had property bought 60 years ago when it was cheaper.

by Relevant_Fix 5 days ago

I think you forget, avg state incomes vary by state and city due to cost of living. So if the avg household income is that much, jt probably means its an expensive place to live, so they recieve more compensation

by Anonymous 5 days ago

I don't think it's very funny

by bernice69 5 days ago

"HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA, people with a wide range of incomes and lifestyles lost their homes and I think it's funny because I'm a jealous little baby!" That is a very unpopular opinion. Congratulations.

by North_Confection 5 days ago

So what? Doesn't make it any less sad.

by haylee85 5 days ago

Taking pleasure in someone else's misfortune - especially when they did nothing wrong other than be successful - is messed up, and you're deranged. We're not talking about oil executives or military contractors or other people you could argue have actively done harm. Get help.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Taxes will rise… so will insurance cost…. Nationwide

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Many had their insurance policies cancelled

by Anonymous 5 days ago

As if insurance is paying for any of it. Thats been a whole scandal.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Fair enough. Insurance companoes are actual devils.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Apparently insurance is insuring the cost of the construction of the house. For example if the house's market value is 10M the insurance is like 750k because the land's value is 9M and the land didn't go anywhere.

by Emmettberge 5 days ago

I heard a bunch of companies that apparently were doing flat denials of fire damage. This is in passing though so take it with a 10kg salt lick.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

None of theme have any insurance.

by Anonymous 5 days ago


by Anonymous 5 days ago

The vast majority of them don't have any homeowners or fire insurance because major carriers like All state and State Farm left had already left the area deeming it high risk.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

I just can't imagine a bank that gave a loan on a home didn't require them to have something. You wouldn't happen to be living in California by any chance?

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Insurance companies have been canceling policies in this area left and right because of the massive danger of fire. These houses were built in a fire zone. Yes climate change is making it worse but there have always been fires in California and it finally reached a point that they were uninsurable.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

As if you wouldn't buy a $4 million dollar home, if you could.

by General_Sundae 5 days ago

Given home ownership in the us is 65%, you would be wrong. But hey, wish ill upon others because you aren't doing as well as you would hope.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

You can have it instead, you deserve it. OP - this a disgusting and sadistic take quite frankly. Shame.

by GlitteringBase4754 5 days ago

You sound like you just hate anyone with money, regardless of who they are or what they've done. Terrible mindset to have. I hope you find a way to rewrite that toxic mindset of yours, your life will feel a lot fuller

by Foreign_Duck 5 days ago

I hate anyone with money that can't see the absurdity of the country feeling bad about their homes burning down while ignoring the fact that 10x the amount of people live homeless permanently in the same county as them.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Even if you did all that and made what you're talking about, you still could never afford a home in Malibu.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

You are saying yourself that the average household income is 200k in that area. That is 100% achievable by anyone born in this country so yes you can.

by Foreign_Duck 5 days ago

people are dead, glad you find it fun.

by TowerSignificant 5 days ago

Everybody else has made really good points, but also Most of these places are some of the wealthiest in the world. LA has something like 100,000 homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk nightly and we're suppose to worry about 4 million dollar houses burning down? How messed up is that? These homes burning down also doesn't fix this issue at all.

by Various_Stretch 5 days ago

You could even argue it's actually going to take away money that would have possibly gone to help them

by Foreign_Duck 5 days ago


by Anonymous 5 days ago

Dude I live in the most middle class area in Northern California. I have a 12 year old car. Everyone in my neighborhood drives fords, Chevys & Toyotas. My house is now worth over a million dollars. It wasn't when I bought it 10 years ago. Tell me you don't understand Ca real estate without telling me you dont understand Ca real estate. But it's good to know you'll be super excited & will grab popcorn if my town burns down.

by Edwinaokeefe 5 days ago

You're not in Malibu.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

So. What difference does that make?

by Edwinaokeefe 5 days ago

Yeah, but imagine you lost your house that you worked hard for. Nobody deserves that, even the rich.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

I think the money is in the land they own, not the houses they built. They'll probably have a way of making money of off this disaster anyway so they'll have the last laugh.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Your jealousy has you enjoying the suffering of others. That's a bit gross.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Op is filled with blind hate and just hates people with more money than him

by Accomplished_Fall900 5 days ago

100,000 people living on sidewalks in LA. Damn right I'm mad.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

then what are you doing to help ?

by Anonymous 5 days ago

How is that the homeowners fault?

by Accomplished_Fall900 5 days ago

The former home of novelist Zane Grey in Altadena was on the market for $4 million a few years ago. The house is on the National Register of Historic Places. Or more properly, it was on the register. Burned down in the Eaton Fire last week. You might be amused. I call that a loss of culture.

by Chadrickprice 5 days ago


by Anonymous 5 days ago

When rich neighbourhoods burn down the rich owners make insurance claims and get reimbursed. So the insurer's profits decrease. And the insurer's stock value doesn't increase as hoped. So investors (pension funds) lose money. So people's pensions grow less. And regular people's insurance premiums increase to make up for that next year.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

Love how people just assume that LA is nothing but billionaires or millionaires. Working class people live and work in these areas too you know and have lost everything aswell.

by Efficient_Ad 5 days ago

You're confusing rich and wealthy. I read the average income of the people that lost property is around 200k household. Thats not people thay were born into money, those are middle aged people who went to college and progressed enough in their career to be upper middle class/slightly rich. Wealthy people aren't in the bucket, the working class is. Rich people are still working class.

by Relevant_Fix 5 days ago

I think your problem is that you think the rich folk who live in these houses are somehow different than you. But their life isn't so different from yours. Yes they have money, but that's almost all that separates them from you. These people are devastated that their homes have burned down their lives completely have been uprooted. Pets have been lost. Family heirlooms have been lost. memories of the place where they've raised their kids and have had family gatherings… all lost. Yes they may have had insurance they may be able to rebuild. Their life will go on, but it is still a devastating loss for that family. A good analogy is that the average American renting a 1br apartment is just as rich compared to about 50% of the rest of world. Thinking that the 1% are simply all undeserving monsters sucking up money from poor folk is not correct. The game of life isn't necessarily fair, but some actors in LA are not causing your problems.

by Anonymous 5 days ago

I don't know man. People are people regardless of how much money they make, and I think it's devastating for them to have lost everything of sentimental value. I don't see the fun in it at all. This is very telling of the find of person you are, but still, I hope you never are a victim of a natural disaster where people will be like "man isn't this fun to see!"

by Anonymous 4 days ago

Homelessness is an extremely concerning issue and the government should do a better job and ensure better housing facilities for lower socioeconomic groups. Having said that it is extremely insensitive to take pleasure in someone else's misery. Even though these are multi-million dollar homes they still belong to families. And yes, they can probably afford another home, but it is traumatic to see everything you worked for and everything you own being burned down to ashes and there's nothing you can do about it. And it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, it will hurt.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

Nah, this is a deranged take. They earned that money still

by Anonymous 4 days ago

There are two large fires, one on the west side burning down the homes you speak of, and one on the east side burning down apartments and small homes people saved up for for decades to buy.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

Do they care about the homeless in LA?

by Anonymous 4 days ago

We are all about to see insurance hikes, across the nation.

by Turbulent-One 4 days ago

Probably, but therein lies part of the problem. CA passed legislation the pretty much prevents insurance premium increases. Insurance companies are abandoning the area, because they cannot charge what it takes to cover the significantly elevated risk of fire loss of these homes (mansions or otherwise) that people insist on building in wild fire prone areas. Yes I know, evil rich insurance companies, blah, blah. but at the end of the day, they are a business, and should not be forced to take on a liability that they will ultimately lose money on. Maybe a good thing that will come from all this is that the people will lean on the state government to eliminate some of the draconian regulation that prevents proper forest management, water storage & source management, and restore some sanity to the fire fighter hiring & budgeting process.

by walkerrosario 4 days ago

Funny because I sometimes think the same thing about people living in tornado alley or in a hurricane zone in Florida… then the same type of house is rebuilt without a tornado shelter or right on the coastline again. Wash, rinse, repeat, and taxpayers pay out each time. So maybe I will not think this way about the midwesterners or Florida people despite them having values I cannot abide and I won't think the same way about anyone else losing everything regardless of their situation.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

We just need to all sing Imagine for them.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

I don't want anyone to die either, but I'd love it if those fires spread to Calabasas, and Brentwood and Beverly hills.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

You need to seek help too

by Foreign_Duck 4 days ago

i have sympathy for those who lost their home in places like altadena which isn't rich but not for the palisades type, especially when most of those were indifferent to the genocide or supportive of it

by Plastic_Database_434 4 days ago

What in the world does this have to do with Palestine?

by Responsible_Luck_871 4 days ago